
Is a GED the same as a online high school diploma?

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i just finished a " high school equivalence" test. and passed with a 82%. i was home schooled for the last 2 years of my high school and need to get a GED to go to college and become a cop. so is the online high school diploma what i need or do i have to finish a test at some ware else? thanks




  1. You do NOT need a GED or a diploma to enter college/university.  You only need test scores (ACT or SAT), a transcript, a portfolio, and perhaps do an interview.

    You can also start at a community college (only an admissions test), get some credits, then transfer to a university as a sophomore.

  2. Your parents can give you a diploma.  There is nothing mysterious or grand about that little piece of paper.  Private schools give them all the time.

    A GED says that you have left school and taken a test to prove that your education is (barely) the equivalent of a high school graduate.  For many colleges, this says that you are a drop-out - which you obviously aren't.

  3. Why did you need a GED? Was the college you were applying to in NY or just unfriendly towards homeschoolers? That's weird. Every college I've considered, and in fact most colleges/universities in the USA do not require a GED or acredited diploma from homeschoolers. Only a transcript and SAT/ACT scores, and occasionally extra testing (SAT II subject tests) and a bibliography of materials used. That's what all the selective universities I've contacted have told me,a nd I know lots of HSers who went on to schools like Harvard, Yale, and highly selective state universities who did not have diplomas.

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