
Is a Girlfriend an ASSET or a LIABILITY?

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For a young man in his 20's trying to build wealth, is it safe to say that a girlfriend is an asset or a liability?

I know it depends on the person, but I'm talking about "in general".

Asset = Puts more money in your pocket

Liability = Takes more money out of your pocket

Please no comments about being a "human being". I never hear comments like that when a woman is chasing a billionaire. Never heard Donald Trump get called a "human being". So save it....




  1. Both, Asset and Liability.

    If owner's equity is positive, assets are greater than liabilities, you should look into getting a ring.

  2. "For a young man in his 20's trying to build wealth":

    wealthy girlfriend who you can sponge off of =  asset

    poor girlfriend =  liability

  3. An Asset or you wouldn't want one.

    Not all values are monetary.

    And if they become more of a liability than an asset usually they get traded in on one that is more of an asset.

  4. But you forgot the rest of the equation the equity.  The equity part is the is the end result of the relationship. If you are a pimp the women are assets you can make money on them Ho's.  If you are a rich man you might think all women are gold diggers and liabilities.  But if you are a regular guy you have to finish the equation.  The time invested in a relationship gets you the end result a wealth happiness. Also try not to think of the relationship as a monetary value cause you can't place a value on emotions and fillings, moments of time, and special things you share.  But if you don't like her anymore don't b.s. with her just break up. Good luck

  5. Asset - at night!

    Liability - during the day!

    Asset - when at home!

    liability - when out in the market!

    Asset - when happy!

    Liability - when sad!

    And so on....

  6. Well that's the thing it all depemds on the person. And it's not even as if the girl is going to come out straight and tell you she's a golddigger. But if she does in a way it's best to go with her, why?, cause she's being dead serious and straight up with you.

    But to think of a girl as an asset or a liability to your career is not so right. If I was to go for a guy that had money and is making money for himself to think he can't be with me anymore cause he's making money well then whatever.

    As you said it al depends on the person.

    Just my thoughts... jam.dong_nihon

  7. 70%  Liability, 30% Asset.

  8. does she have a nice ASSet? lol... get a girl with a job, you'll be ok... and dont try to buy her love. also watch out for the children they are the real liability, until they are 18, and even isn't cheap!

  9. She can be either, and that all entirely depends on what sort of woman you'd allow to keep you as her boyfriend.  Try asking yourself a few questions when you get to know a woman.  Is she a giver, or a taker?  Does she send clear messages of interest when she's with you?  Is she as respectful of you, as you are of her?  Depending on the answers to those 3 questions, you'll be able to figure out if the woman who calls you her boyfriend is an asset or a liability.

  10. To just focus on your aim to "build wealth" and not the "human being" part as you request, I would have to come down on the side of a girlfriend being a liability.  Almost by definition, just having one means money going "out of your pocket" -- paying for dates, buying presents, etc.  Even if she brings income to the equation, the demands for spending pretty much balance out that.  I'm married and have the highest household income I've ever experienced -- and it just goes flying right out the door every month.

    All that being said, taking on this "liability" may increase your overall "capital" -- just to put it in financial terms.  You'll have to decide for yourself.

  11. Yeah that really depends on the person, but in general I think a girlfriend falls more into liability because they dont have the responsablity or pressure to contribute to a mutual goal.  Now if you guys get married your wife becomes more of an asset because as a couple you work together to reach specific goals.

  12. an asset cuze a liability is an obligation and you chose who you wanna be with, you dont have to be with her by obligation!

  13. A traditional gf would be a liability since she will be taking money and capital out of your pockets. Furthermore, women's beauty is a depreciating asset just like a used car so be wary of long term commitments and expensive upgrades.

    If you can mooch of your gf and she will support then she becomes a financial asset, but except for this rare exception gf dont make for great income producing assets.

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