
Is a Group Moderator allowed to deny membership to an applicant if the applicant checks the Web Only box?

by  |  earlier

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I recently was denied membership to a group. The moderator sent me an email suggesting that I shouldn't join the group unless I wish to get email from group members. I only post and respond on the web site with my other groups. Can this moderator deny my application on this basis?




  1. Yes, the group owner/moderator can deny membership to anyone if they so desire.  Some groups are set to reply to members instead of to the group site or where member interactions via email are neccessary.  In such instances, it would be imperative for the prospective member to at least set their email delivery for daily digest.  Some owners require members to at least set it for Special Notice. That would allow members to receive special notices from the owner.

    In a nutshell, it's up to the owner as to how the email notications are set for their specific needs.

    Perhaps you should just move one and join other groups that allow Web Only members.  Good luck to you- I hope you find a good one that allows such.

  2. groups all have different rules, and most with this rule send out a file of rules. membership can be denied for any old reason an owner seems fit, Yahoo does not involve themselves in this.

    tons of groups out there, just find another

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