
Is a Hello Kitty cell phone a good idea???

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on ebay you can buy hello kitty phones for like $80.00 plus postage. They are from Hong Kong, do you think it is a good idea. have you bought one? or know of anyone who has?





  1. if you can handle the teasing then go ahead and buy it!  

  2. i would by a brand phone like nokia , sony erciosn they are brilliant phoenes se lastesd me 2 years

  3. WOW>! i  say yeah GO FOR IT .. hello kitty phones are SOO CUTE.. nobodys gonna be laughing at you .. dont listen to them.. people are going to be jealous ♥♥ HAHA.. i know i would

    But i hope you know most of them dont work in the USA or Canada!  ! !

  4. Do you want a toy? Buy a toy. do you want a cell phone? Buy a cell phone. Don't mix tools and toys.

  5. you shouldn't buy it, not because of the quality but because of hello kitty. i bought a pink phone once and got sick of the color so quickly... you should buy a phone that you will want for a long time. not a phone that you will be sick of in about 2 months or that you will be laughed at... hope that helped xx

  6. There are a few problems with this. First of all, never buy phones on ebay, because they don't come with a warranty. My friend got a phone off ebay for her b'day then it crashed a month later, she couldn't do anything about it because it had no warranty. Secondly, what about when you grow out of hello kitty? I never thought I would! When we travelled to Hong Kong last year I wanted to get Hello Kitty luggage bags, but mum wouldn't let me. Now I am soooooooo glad we didn't, because she said they had to last a while and I am soooooooo over hello kitty!!! But if you are not planning to have this phone for a very long time then you can make the decision to buy it. Good Luck. Hope you fell like you make the right decision.

  7. A Hello Kitty phone will be great...if you never intend to use it in public.


    I'm in LOVE with hellokitty you should get it.

    who cares what those "ADULTS" think its you.

    be creative eyy?

    & unique [:

    if you love it flaunt it, I was told that be AMBER ALERT <3


    yup GO GET IT!

  9. Honestly embarrasing infront of adults NO

  10. I personally hate this cat along with everything that is associated to it. I advise you:

    Don't do it, some people will likely laugh at you behind your back

  11. no i wouldn't lol

    you'll not want it after a few months and too risky ordering from away

  12. EWW NOOO

    are you like crazy or something

    well unless you already haev no friends and dont want any, then well go for it

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