
Is a Hybrid efficent if I live the country? what gas stations sell the appropriate fuel?

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Is a Hybrid efficent if I live the country? what gas stations sell the appropriate fuel?




  1. Hybrids do use regular gasoline and they're not always much more expensive than non-hybrid vehicles. The new Ford Escape gets better mileage in the city than on the highway (34 vs 30) and only costs about couple thousand more than the non-hybrid version. Since it gets almost twice the mileage in city driving, you should save more than enough to make up the premium for getting the hybrid.

    If more people bought hybrids the price would drop, right now they make up only 2% of vehicles sold. And if the government helped with better rebates for hybrids, that day would come even sooner. Once the price is about the same, hybrids will overtake the market.

  2. Hybrids are good in city traffic but they don't do very well at highway speeds and hilly terrain. In those situations a hybrid can burn as much fuel as a conventional car.

  3. Yes, hybrids are more efficient than non-hybrids in all situations, but particularly in city/country driving when you're going slow.  They're more efficient than non-hybrids on the freeway as well, but not by as much.  The reason is that you burn the most energy when you're accelerating, but a hybrid uses the electric motor to do most accelerating, and an electric motor is far more efficient than an internal combustion engine.

    Hybrids also recharge the battery while you're braking (regenerative braking system), and you do more braking in city/country driving than on the freeway.

    Hybrids use the same gasoline as regular cars.

  4. Hybrids shine in stop and go traffic. But it'll still be worthwhile, especially if you can plug it in when not in use.

  5. A hybrid uses the same gas as any other car, its just more efficient with it.

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