
Is a Mac easy enough to figure out/use for someone whose only used a PC before?

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Is a Mac easy enough to figure out/use for someone whose only used a PC before?




  1. Itll take a while to learn, but youll adjsut, however be aware that Mac's are not massively supported, so msot PC software will nto work ona Mac, however you cna install Windows with Bootcamp, but obviously if you need to do that then you might as well stick wihit a PC, their chepaer, better supported and your already used to it.

    Oh n one annoying feature is the mosue has no right click, so youll needto lear all your keybaord shortcuts ( which are also diffrnet ona  mac).

    Oh wahtam i kidding my self, Macs are horribel to use if your used to a Windows, if it was your first PC then yes itss oaky, it practially is marked as "My First PC"

  2. Super, super easy - much of what you do is so intuitive compared to PC.  My family has had about 10 Macs over the years, and they just keep getting easier and better.

    Mac - try it, you'll like it!

  3. Takes a week or two to make sense of how it works, but overall you brain will adjust to icon, position and methods of how it works.

  4. My co-worker's 12 year old son took it out of the box

    plugged it in

    burned his music on all the dvds

    and then called her at work to BUY some dvds on the way home.

    He had never seen a computer before. Just a 12 yr old -- not a brainiac -- just a boy.

    We laughed until we cried.

    I told her she would love a mac.  She used to bring it to work and always said "I have  A LOT of work to do" and her windows office machine was just TOO slow and clunky.

    Pam was cool. I hope her son knows that now.

  5. There are some differences, but for the most part the Mac is easier, unless you absolutely must be able to right click on something.

    If your familiar with iTunes, a Mac is very much like that.

  6. This website might help you a lot:

  7. yeah, but I'd stick with pc

  8. Alex, I understand what you are going through.  I am a life time PC user and never had any experience with a Mac at all.  I was forced to try it as an alternative to Vista SP1 that was not enabling me to run my applications as effecently as my old laptop that was 4 years old.  When you buy a Mac, you have 90 days of free Mac service which you can ask any question you want.  It's nice, they speak English and will walk you through anything.  It's great service.  There are also forums and so many tutorials on line something I've never seen for PCs.

    The software is very simple to use and now a days with so many Macs flying off the shelves, there are plenty of people that can help.  For me, I found Quicktime so much clearer than any Media player like WMP or Silverlight.  I spent a little money for Quicktime Pro and it's great.  I'm now spoiled and used Quicktime Pro for all media applications and to help with movie editing as needed.  A lot of PC users like me ask "what more do I need to buy or do to make this work?  The answer is nothing.  I would recommend upgrading to Quicktime Pro think you will be amazed at how well things look and work.  You also should consider downloading Flip 4 mac.

    A major thing I'm still adjusting to is the delete key.  I would opposite to a PC.  However I'm going to hot key it to functions like a PC.  Because windows requires that you perform a lot of additional operations to complete tasks, will find things so simple that you will always be saying is that all their is to it.  A place to go that helps sometime is

    In some cases an application will freeze option apple esc and you can select the application you want to kill and restart.  It is rare, but it happens.  Maintenance on Macs are almost nothing.  That is another thing that amazes me. There will be a lot of pleasant surprise.  Looking up files and photographs DVDs anything will put a watermelon smile on your face.  Safari will race through webpages and is like a bare bones version of Firefox  widgets are cool.  try to get a 1 stick 2 GB RAM stick instead of 2-1 GB RAM Sticks.  If there is an upper pay it  

    It's not instant, It did take me about 15 minutes to adjust to the OS and some applications. I also have XP loaded with bootcamp to run my old applications, but I find myself using the Mac more and more and eventually think for me, because applications are starting to really becoming more plentiful, I can see Windows going away when all my windows applications can no longer do the job or Ms come up with something that represents a real improvement with its OS and hardware integration.

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