
Is a Malbec wine similar in taste to a Red Zin?

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I enjoy a heavy red zin and was wondering how a malbec compares. Thanks for your opinions!




  1. If you like sharp, spicy zins with 'zest', there's no reason you shouldn't like a malbec. Although they're not the same in taste, they share similar qualities:

    They're both dry reds with a big nose, rich earthy body, and long finish. Zins tend to have a sharper nose and body(the tannins) if they're robust(the way I like) whereas a nice malbec seems(to me) to have a deeper, richer and more complex nose, a little smoother body, and a finish that prolongs that complexity. But malbecs and(robust) zins can share that earthyness and spiciness that so many enjoy in zins.

    The first time I tried a malbec(and it was a good one) the earthy, spicy undertones(and as mentioned..smoky) reminded me of zins I like. But the deeper, richer nose and medium(but rich and deep as well) body and long finish also reminded me of a nice chianti superiore or reserva, drank at 5-6 years after release...even though the malbec was only a few years old. So don't be afraid to try 'em young. I've also drank malbecs that were reminicent of some deep and rich syrahs, even mellow and rich cabs.

    So don't be afraid to try and judge for yourself. If you like any of the wines described above or the qualities of the previous replies, you'll find many you'll like. I'd only add that although I mentioned not to be afraid to drink young, try a reserva and compare. They're usually aged in oak a min of 6-8 months longer than the standards and it does seem to make a difference...h**l, buy a few bottles from different wineries and whip up some BBQ and roasted red peppers and have an at-home tasting of your own!

    Salute, Bevi!

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