
Is a Rooster more aggressive in its young years?

by Guest34335  |  earlier

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Our chickens are about 4 months old and we have 7 hens and one rooster (the other roosters met with the axe). The rooster used to be a nice rooster but now hes getting vicious when we are around him or the hens....even to be fed. We held them a lot when they were younger so we are wondering why the change of heart. The hens just started laying but we are careful to remove the eggs when the chickens are off roaming somewhere around the yard. The hens arent being broody at all. Needless to say we are wondering why the Rooster has gotten so aggressive.




  1. you really should take it to a vet.

  2. Its kind of a testosterone thing......    you got rid of the only competition he had, so now he can be as aggressive as he wants to be......     we have found that taking a board with you and hitting him whenever he attacks you (I know this sounds mean, but sometimes you hit them a few times they might get the hint)......     however, sometimes you'll just have to get rid of the rooster......    because as he gets older, his spurs will just get longer and could actually cause a lot of damage (and he knows how to use them)!!!

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