
Is a Social Science job unattainable?

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I am 31 yrs old. My education is in the field of dental assisting and I actually work for a land development co. I am so unhappy and maintain where I am due to income needs. I wish I was one of the many I know who just 'know' what they're supposed to do in life but I'm not. When I really stop and think what interests me (as I've been told if you're passionate about what you do you'll love your job) and social sciences really interest me. I love the 20/20 What Would You Do scenarious, I torture friends etc with making them participate in quizzes or personality testing because I find it so interesting. I do not know however of any jobs that are available where this is the main function. I am from Iowa and to go back to school is not something I want to do & even if I did my question is still if there are such jobs? Ideas? Hiring? Is there a job search I'm missing? Would just like to enjoy waking up & not minding going to work.




  1. ...just a thought but... the thing (social sciences) you do like is easy to like because unlike your proper job, its not demanding... isn't that what a 'fantasy' is...?

    :o() ?

    though my advice would be go see a careers advisor? see what options are open to you, though I would also assume there would be a certain amount of re-training required for any new position...?

    Good luck...

  2. You need academic credentials to qualify for the type of job to which you are aspiring.

    I suggest that you attempt to satisfy your social sciences interests during your leisure time.

    Most of us don't have the necessary requisites to immerse ourselves in a job that we truly love.  Instead, we tend to be accepting of the job that puts food on the table, and derive happiness from our core family and friends and activities outside the workplace.

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