
Is a Sprinkler System Worth Paying all that Money Fer?

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Is it? Thanks!!




  1. If you want to protect your self and when you are away it is the best defence against fire you can have.well worth the cost.

  2. depends on what you use it keep a beautiful lawn, absolutely necessary.To sprinkle the neighbor hood kids, a waste.And you don't need a fancy one, go to any dollar general, or other shop and get one for a few bucks.

  3. You fail to mention what type of sprinkler system you are talking about. One that's in the house and used as fire protection, or one that's installed outside and used for irrigation of lawn and flowers/shrubs. Expand on your question and I'll attempt to help.

  4. Not only are sprinkler systems much more effective at watering your lawn and garden, but they are a lot more efficient. You can put them on timers that come on every coupla-few days for specific lengths of time, which prevents overwatering and flooding (wasting the water). You also don't have to think about watering any more with an automatic system. And, it works while you're away on vacation.

    Also, for resale of a house, a sprinkler system pays for itself. People buying houses like them a lot (good selling point).

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