
Is a Sunday paper really any different from a Saturday paper when it comes to coupons?

by Guest60362  |  earlier

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  1. my local newspaper never has coupon inserts or sale flyers on Saturdays, only on Sundays (except of course for the Black Friday sales in November, then there are flyers on Thursday, but still no coupons).


  2. In Washington DC the Washington Times is not "printed" on Saturdays. The Washington Post is, but all the inserts and most coupons are in the Sunday edition.

    This is my help from Washington, D.C. United States of America.

  3. The Smartsource and Red Plum coupons come out in the Sunday paper.

  4. For The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer, it places on the top of the front page the amount of possible savings due to coupons in the Sunday edition. It has also instituted a controversial policy that TV guides are only available in the Sunday papers that are home delivered.

  5. There are no ads in the Saturday paper or coupons either

  6. If the paper has no Sunday edition, then the coupon and ads will be in its, saturday edition, generally they are the same , but some could have a couple different ads and coupons, but usually the national coupons are the same for the area for which it is located/

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