
Is a Tablet PC a good choice for me?

by  |  earlier

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If you've ever seen read it and weep (it's about this girl who writes a journal and then it gets published and becomes a national bestseller) she uses a Tablet PC. And she draws little sketchy pictures and attaches them to her Word Document(?). Considering the price, durability, etc. is it a good choice, if I plan to do the same thing? And I've got some more questions.

1) which tablet PC if you decide it is a good choice?

2) is what I described before even possible?

3) if it is, is it easy?

Thanks, love you all

10 points to the best!




  1. I am on my second tablet. My first was a Toshiba, and it was great. I am now workin on an Asus, and it is even better. What you described is possible. I used mine to make lecture notes in a program called GoBInder, which has a free edition called GoBinderLite. I liked it because it organized my lectures and classes well, and I could do what you described. I typed out much of my notes, but I could also draw graphs, pictures and plots on them as well. It is really easy to do. You can also handwrite into it as well, and convert to text if you want, or leave it as just your own script. You can choose the thickness of the pen type and the color. You can also put in pictures from other sources. I've not tried to do this in Word, but I don't see why you would need to. If you would use this feature of the tablet and get enjoyment from it, then it is worth it.

  2. Men?.. maybe

  3. I have yet to do much looking into tablets, I just heard about them earlier this week and i was thinking about getting one. But they are pretty expensive, I am planning on getting one maybe after i build my next computer, but if your just planning on writing journals why not just get a regular laptop from a used laptop store in your town.

    1) --

    2) Yes, tablet's do use a little stick and you can draw stuff in paint maybe, (forgot the name of the sticks lol)

    3) Fairly simplistic yes. Concidering im going to get one to host a server for a game.

  4. my sister looked all over the Internet for the best tablet PC and she final went with the Toshiba tablet PC.

    i also have a Toshiba laptop computer.

    before my sister had a tablet PC she had a SonyVIAO and it broke down in 2 yrs that she used it.

    she finial decide to get a Toshiba because my laptop computer has not died out its 8 yrs old I'm still using it

    the tablets are cool she does her home work and writes her notes on it. its like if she were to use regular note book paper.

    i am also thinking of get a table PC

    the tablets are about as thick as a note book

    and 8 or 9 inches in height.

    you might want to check out the website

  5. ! would op for a laptop with a rotating monitor so you have the flexibility of having both.

  6. I have seen that movie! To get to the point is that I personally do not like tablet computers. First off their screens are really sensitive and can get scratched easily. Second the swivel screen can easily get worn out to where it is really lose. Also its easy to lose the stylus(the pen you write with). I had a Gateway M275 and it was a tablet but it gave me nothing but trouble. I recommend getting a Dell XPS M1330, it is very light weight under 4.0 lbs. And can be bought for under $1000. I own one, it is the best laptop out there for the amount of features and great price. By the way it is possible to draw pictures and attatch them to word documents.

  7. Well if you really want the tablet pc and you think it might help you or make you feel better than go for.

    1) Me personally i would get a HP or DELL tablet pc because for me those are the best, apple is good also but they dont have tablet pc.

    2) If thats what you want then go for it, as long as you put your mind to it and try your hardest than yeah it is possible but im just saying the odds here it might not be a national best seller but it could get published, if its your passion than go for it and dedicate alot of time to it, remember no one is stoping you from achieving your goal and if some one tells you, you can't do it just don't listen to them just do keep your mind on it.

    3) Well depends if you have a really imaginary mind than it might because you can just use your imagination, also its hard for some people because they don't have much time inbetween their job and social life, no one said it was going to be easy sometimes you have to work hard in life to be successful. Hope this really helped you and i wish you the best of luck on writing your book and i hope it does get published and becomes a national bestseller.

  8. Well, I think it depends on what you want to do with it... I have a feeling that the tablet PCs might be good for business presentations, but if you want an all  - purpose laptop I suggest getting a standard model. What you described IS possible, but it doesn't really have many uses. Tablet PCs are generally less durable and more expensive than standard PCs. This is only my opinion, so you do what you want :-)

  9. According to the website the HP Pavilion tx2000 is highest rated one of all. according to the review it "HP's Pavilion tx2000 combines a convertible tablet design with an entertainment-focused laptop to create an interesting hybrid, thanks to an improved tablet screen and mini remote control"

    Hope this helps :)

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