
Is a ball python a good snake to get,what makes them bite?

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is it better to get a bigger bread one or start off with like a baby




  1. i wouldn't recamend a python EVER as a starter u have to have some experience with snakes to even get a ball python  i know alot of people say o its a great strter snake but it isint i mean there great snakes but not for people starting out  i recomend a Corn Snake they get up to 6 feet long and a ball python BITES becouse of feeling threatned or scared    OR just becouse u smell like food lol alot of things can set a python off thre not he most down to earth snake i ever handled lol here are the highlights of one of the best snakes not only just to start out with but a companion 2 :p

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CORN SNAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           they  r

    easy and fun to handle


    love attention

    but love there own time 2

    only get about 6 feet   [my frineds got almost 7 feet]

    tank would be easier to clean not as bulky and stinky as a bigger one would


    awsome temperment

    they dont have to have a heat pad or a light mine doesn't and sheeding is same and feeding is 2 i took it to the vet and they said everything cheaks out great  [ it is on the floor against the heater so when it is winter there is the heat sorce i nthe summer well its hot in my house it can get to be a little over 70 on a normally hot brockton day but when the ac is on i close my door and just turn the fan on]

    and over all there just a fantastic snake

    im not saying u shouldn't get a ball pyhton or there bad or anyhting im just saying a corn snake or mabey a milk or rat snake would be better i still say corn snakes RULE

    if u need any info on any of those snakes feel free to email me at

    vote me for best answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Snakes bite for two reasons, fear and food. As long as the snake isn't being panicked by being handled, and you haven't touched any small rodents before handling, it should not bite. Babies can be a bit more nervous and are more likely to bite than an adult that has become accustomed to handling.

  3. I own a ball python and they are great snakes exspecially to start out on I now have an albino python and a red tailed boa. Its better to get a ball python first though if you want a bigger breed thats fine just get them when they are small so they can get use to you before they are big. Make sure they are handled every day.  Remember it does take a while for them to get big so they will have all that time to get use to you and you to get use to it.

  4. a ball python is a great snake to have as a pet, i myself own two of them. Their very easy to care for, and they've a good temperment.

    The only time i was biten by one of my snakes, was my own fault, i went to put a rat pup in Roman's cage(the ball) and left it there for abit, well the rat was hiding and i tried to make him move, Roman mistaked my hand for the rat. He only grazed my skin. no way i could be upset with him.

    there are several things to consider with ball's and any other snake or pet you get; are you going to have enough time to spend with them?

    ball pythons need to be held daily, to get to know you and they love attention(mine do). Socialize them, take them out when you go somewhere you know you can safely take the snake, like a walk, or to the flea market.

    also make sure you have what you need to care for the snake, at least a twenty gallon tank, water bowls, heating pad's and the proper bedding. Below is a site with a caresheet. good luck

  5. like a baby because it will learn to love u and recnize u if you have touched a dog all any animal they will think that ur hand is that that animal and have a little nibble on ur hand so i would get that non-water soap wash and i wash my hands every time im about to touch him and after.

    do it. it works

  6. a ball python is an awesome snake, cause they dont bite they curl into a ball, hence the name,... i have one, but if you want a bigger snake, get the female, the males are smaller.

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