
Is a ballet turn the same as a backspin in figure skating?

by  |  earlier

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Im not quite sure if its called a ballet turn, but this thing:

I know backspins go way faster, but off ice when im practicing my spins and do a backspin, is it actually a ballet turn?




  1. those are called pirouettes and yes, they are from ballet.  

  2. If you would put a link to a backspin then that would help the cause....but I don't really know why this matters...sorry.

    Only because figure skating and dancing are not tied with each other.

  3. I thought the same thing for a while except the other way around (i.e. is a figure skating spin the same as a piroettte?), but after going skating with my friend and she taught me how to do a basic two foot spin I realized they are very differnt.  We spin in opposite ways.  For a piroutte if you are spinning on your left foot you spin clockwise.  For a skating spin if you are spinning on your left foot you spin counterclockwise. (right? thats how I was taught)  Also the way you push off is differnt.  You can really releve (sp?) (i.e. raise your foot so you spin on the ball of your foot or the en pointe) when your foots in an boot.  Also in a backspin (if I"m thinking of the correct thing) the position of your free leg is bent with your foot behind you, in general for pirouettes your free leg is bent so your foot is almost touching the knee of your spinning leg.  I'm sure the balance thing is similar though, but I'm not skilled enough to do a one footed spin on ice yet (I'm planning on taking lessons soon though)  I hope this answers your question.

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