
Is a body like this achievable? (PIC)!?

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Right now I'm about 123lbs, 5'5, 17yr old girl and apparently have a body fat percentage of 30%

Pic of me (left):

and right is the body I want in 2 MONTHS!!!!

Is it achievable?

I really want a body like that!!





  1. Your skinny. So I would suggest just abb workouts.

  2. Forget about having her body. Your body is 10 times hotter then her body. You have gorgeous legs, and unlike her, your skin isn't too tanned

  3. Hey Maddie, your body is just fine.  That picture is probably all airbrushed with spray on tan and all that stuff.  Some (a lot) of guys like that natural look you have.

  4. I don't think you look as high as 30% body fat, I'd say you look around 26%-28% body fat. She is probably around 16%-18% body fat.

    You can't achieve a body like that in just two months. It can take years of strength training, weight lifting and you need to eat a LOT of protein.

  5. you are fine to me, just look she is way more tanned, try getting a tan, not fake they look funny, and try doing abb exercises every day, that's what i do and I'm a guy, i hope this helped

  6. u need to go to the gym, thats the only way to have stomach muscles like her, also ask the trainer at the gym to give u the right diet for the exercises that u will be doing. u only need to tighten up ur belly and sides. if u do work out hard, its possible, but no skipping gym! if u decise to do it at home, u need to do more than 100-200 sit ups a day, increasing the number of sit up u do on a daily basis. besides that, cut down on salt and drink loads and loads of water! that should do for the sides :) good luck

  7. Yes this is definately acheivable. May I suggest that instead of starting off with cardio that you start off with resistance exercises instead whether it be weight-training or bodyweight training.

    The reason you should start with resistance exercises is that you need to build muscle. The more muscle you have the EASIER it is to lose the fat. Assuming that you don't weight-train you should do body-weight exercises. Body-weight exercises include pushups, pullups, chinups, squats and janda situps. Once you could do 4 sets of 12 reps for each exercise do harder variations. So that's elevated pushups and weighted pullups/chinups/squats.

    Remember it's not how many exercises you do it's about how INTENSE the exercise is. Doing hundreds of situps will yield limited results. You want quality NOT quantity of exercise. Do these resistance exercises 3 times a week, preferably Monday, Wednesday and Friday for no more than 45-60min.

    With cardio I suggest you do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). HIIT is far superior to regular cardio, not only do you burn more fat throughout the whole day, it also takes less time. HIIT takes 10-20min, you may think it's too short however it's intense.

    Start off by doing 2min walking followed by 30sec sprinting. This becomes 1 cycle, complete another 3 to total 4 cycles, this should take 10min compared to regular cardio which takes 30-60min. Then for every week increase by 1 cycle so that by the end of week 8 you'll have 8 cycles lasting 20min, after that don't add any more cycles this is enough. HIIT should be done on the days you don't have resistance exercises, so about 3 days a week.

    Eat 4-6 smaller meals throughout the day, increase your protein intake, drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest, 8 hours at least.

    I know this is very long but it's the complete package. If you follow all this not only will you have your desired body, you will also have lots of strength.

    Support is also important, email me if you have any more questions:

    Hope this helps :)

  8. You can definitely have the muscle definition that the model has. The one thing you can't change is your body type which is not the same as hers. When someone loses weight, they lose it all over at the same pace, but you can definitely look quite a bit like that.

    Start doing cardio 5/6 days a week to slim you down just a bit. do pilates or some sort of core (abs) builder about 4 days a week and light weight lifting about 3 days a week. tall order, huh...if you did even some of these, i think you'd definetely be happier with what you have. you aren't overweight now even so even a little would do you wonders.

  9. You are gorgeous JUST the way that you are already!

    (I'm being 100% honest here!)

    That model is too tanned and too ripped (Muscular).

    You, however, are perfectly lovely and shapely. If you want some harder abs, then do some crunches and other ab exercises.

    But honestly, those 'perfect' bodies decay quicker than the ones that are naturally fit and healthy. Your body is naturally lovely and womanly. The woman in that picture had to practically STARVE herself and workout for HOURS at a time to achieve that body. If you think you need to become more 'fit', that's one thing. But don't bring yourself down to hollywood's level and tell yourself that you're not toned enough to look gorgeous. You could give any model a run for her money! Good luck hun. Stay natural:)


  10. well you wouldnt need to lose much weight. the only way you will get a body like that is working out. sit ups .. lots of them and toning exercises - yoga, leg press and squats and arm workouts . a spray tan too they help show tone heeh  

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