
Is a bus or train better for environment?

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A bus would hold far less passengers, but could trains still use more fuel per person?




  1. Train is better, streetcars were also very good when they were common.  General motors bought out and shut down streetcar lines in order to promote sales of their polluting diesel buses.

  2. idk. but loook:

  3. typically a bus because they stop more and hold less passengers, as to a train that holds ALOT of pasengers and goes to and from a destination.  no stops inbetween.

  4. Train.

  5. Bus in short

    Train in long

    Bus is just simple made

    Train you got to make the tracks and the train.

  6. according to the passenger ratio i think train is better

  7. I personally think that the Train is better for the environment. Some types of trains run on electricity not on fuel, this way it does not pollute the environment. The train is also a lot faster way to get from one point to another.

    Where as the bus is much slower. Since it runs on gas, it pollutes the Earth. As gas prices are also increasing, the cost of using the bus is much more expensive.

    Based on these reasons, i think that the Train is better for the environment.

    I hope this helps, i also hate the fact that the Ozone layer is disappearing due to the fact of pollution.

  8. train is better

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