
Is a c-section or natural birth better for a teenage pregnancy? what are the risks?

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The past few days people have been on at me about "def a c-section" "no, def a natural birth". Im not bothered about keeping a figure; thats not whats on my mind right now.

what is the best way? are there more risks because of my age?will my baby be okay?

I was told by my consultant that because im small my pelvis may be small. But my baby is aiming to be just under 7 pounds. I turned 16 recently




  1. all my kids have been natural, all i can say is try for a natural but if the consultant says you should have a c-section then go with what the consultant says he has yours and you baby's best interests at heart and will know more about these things to make the descision best for your needs.

  2. Natural birth. Unless there's some huge emergency or complication, have a natural birth. There's far less recovery time and won't be near unconsciousness when your baby comes out. The anaesthesia they use during cesareans will affect the baby, making it lethargic and likely to score lower on the Apgar test. There's also less chance of infection and complications, since you won't have a big incision. One of my cousins gave birth a year ago this most recent February, and she's still having problems with her scar. She regrets having a cesarean very much, but she gave in because the doctor scared her into it by telling her that the baby was going to be over nine pounds (he was 6 lb 12 oz). Babies are almost always under the weight they're predicted to be.

    Also, don't have labour induced. Half of all inductions end in cesarean because your body isn't ready to go into childbirth and the drugs they use put a lot of stress on the baby.

  3. Your relaxed attitude about this is the best way to go into the birth.  I would advise aiming for a natural birth to start with, but have you and your birthing partner listening to the midwife and doctor during the process.  If they start saying, 'we don't think this is going to work', then say you'll have a C-Section.

    There are more risks with having surgery, but these can out-weight the risk to you and the baby if either of you are struggling.  Be aware that you won't be able to lift the baby for a few weeks, you'll need to be handed the baby.  And you will need longer in hospital.

  4. Let your doctor advise you on this.  "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."  People advise you based on their own experience and stuff they have read.  You consultant is advising you based on YOU.  Pray for God to guide and attend you through this, and do what your doctor advises.

    I didn't, and I have lived to regret it.

  5. this is your first pregnancy, then try for a natural birth unless something is worng. You never know until you experience it yourself. If there pain is to much they have drugs for that for a reason. Why put yourself threw major surgery if you don't need to.

    as long as you are healthy then your age dosn't matter in this case. Your baby will be fine either way you chose.

  6. A friend of mine who is 15 just recently gave birth.  She isnt small but has narrow hips.  Her baby was 8lbs 6oz so not a small baby and she gave birth to her just fine!  Natural births are generally safer as a c-section is major surgery so i would try and give birth naturally.  At the end of the day if there are complications then you can have an emergency c-section but dont opt for one before you have tried the natural way.  As much as anything the recovery should be a lot quicker.  I had a c-section with my first and it was very painful afterwards and took me a few days before i could even move around on my own.

  7. I think natural is a better way to go. Thats how people have been doing it for thousands of years. No reason to change that unless something goes wrong.

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