
Is a car an investment, and if so, how?

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Is a car an investment, and if so, how?




  1. In the U S, a car is an investment in your mobility.  It is extremely difficult to get around without one in the U S.  In other countries such as all of Latin America and all of Europe  where public transportation is ubiquitous and excellent a car is more of a liability than an asset.  In certain localities of the U S a car is not an investment, such as New York City and Chicago where there is decent alternate means of transportation

  2. Unless you're talking about an antique, cars are a depreciating asset. Even most antiques are purchased more so for personal satisfaction than for investment purposes. I rarely hear about people buying an antique hoping to make a lot of money. It's more about showing it off, enjoying it and fulfilling a personal need/want.

  3. Cars are VERY rarely an "investment", since five minutes after you purchase a new one, it is a "used vehicle", worth probably 20% less than what you just paid!

    Some novel or unusual models, if purchased and kept unused for many years in pristine condition, can become 'collectors items' with a value as high as (and occasionally higher than) the purchase price.

  4. A car would only be an investment if it were antique and liable to increase in price.

    Or if taking account of depreciation and running costs it would cost less to use than public transport.

    Or if you would be unable to work without using a car

    Normal everyday cars cost quite a lot to own and run.

  5. maybe if you could restore an old clunker to cherry, you could make some money on it.  or if you wanted to get some classics that could reasonably be expected to increase in value, you could call that an investment, i guess.

  6. Well yes and no. Usually no because most of the them lose value as soon as they are driven off the lot but we have a few antique cars that are investments due to the fact their values have/will continue to increase.

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