
Is a cat harder to take car or a dog?

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ive had a dog and i see that its not that easy to take care of, and i think that cats might be easier,?

are dogs more friendly then cats?

thank you.




  1. Cats are friendly in a different way, it's more dignified, but they can still be really affectionate. It completely depends on the cat.

    I find them easier to take care of because:

    They don't need your constant attention and their entire emotional stability doesn't depend on you.

    They don't need to be walked.

    With most cats you can just feed them when they're hungry, there are very few dogs that know the right time to stop.

  2. I have 8 cats and had 3 dogs until 3 weeks ago (I lost my oldest dog recently).  Generally speaking, and there are exceptions to everything, cats are easier than dogs and dogs are more friendly.  I have found, with 4 girl and 4 boy cats, our male cats are much more outgoing than our female.  Also, being raised as kittens (most of them) with dogs, they actually act quite a bit like the dogs.  I think they learned from them to be more outgoing.  The most difficult things with dogs is you have to have a set schedule.  You have to always account for the fact that someone has to let the dog out at least every 8 hours.  Puppies, more often.  While, with a cat, if you go away for 3 days, you really only need someone to check on the cat once if its health is good to scoop the box and make sure it has food and water.  Dogs also tend to be more expensive.  The bigger the dog, I have found, usually, the more expensive.   Their are breeds of cat, for example, the maine coon, which are said to be more "dog like".  That would mean more friendly and outgoing.  However, the thing to remember, is a cat that is more friendly, needs more attention and more play.  

  3. cats are easier but you cant see whats coming.

    there mean alot.dogs are friendlyer but youd

    have to walk it.

    but honestly i think dogs are better because i

    perfer walking them instead of cleaning cat p**p

    and your house with a cat box will smell bad.

    i have 6 cats and 2 dogs i think dogs are a bit better.

  4. Cats are easier as they dont require walking, just a nice pat and they are happy. It really depends on the cat as to how friendly it is. Some are snobs and others are very affectionate. If you want a friendly cat get an adult from a shelter rather then a kitten as you'll know what the personality is like.

  5. In my experience, yes cats are easier to take care of than dogs.

    Dogs can get you in serious trouble if they bite someone else, barking at night can be a problem, they don't have 9 lives etc etc

    But its really up to you

  6. Cats are easier but they are vermin. Dogs are more friendly.

  7. Cats are much easier to take care of. Dogs are friendlier generally speaking though. I would rather have a dog but I live in an apartment and the cat is just so much easier to deal with.  

  8. Cats ar more independent, so you can leave them alone more. Like when working. Also you don't have to walk a cat. Good Luck!

  9. i think that cats are easier then dogs because:

    1 you don't have to bathe a cat

    2 you don't have to walk a cat

    3 all cats can live inside a house while some dogs are just to big

    4 after a cat is used to its environment you can let it go and come without worrying

    5 you don't have to clean big piles o' poo there is only a litter box

  10. Cats are easier to take care of than dogs. You don't need to train them to use a litter box. As for being friendly, it depends on the cat. Some cats are more friendly than others. Males are usually more friendly than females and less expensive to fix. My cat will lie in your lap and fall asleep. He is very affectionate for a cat. Dogs may be friendlier but they do make a lot of noise when they bark and you have to house train them. Cats catch mice also.

  11. Which is more suited for you is a very subjective and personal choice.But the next two things are true:

    Dogs are generally friendlier, though there are many "friendly" cats.

    Cats are definately easier to take care of, especially if they have access to go outdoors.

  12. cats are easy to look after as they do what they want eg  when wants fuss lets u know sleeps 16 hours a day goes out and returns when they want to  

  13. I depends on what you are willing to do. Dogs you have to walk. But Cats you have to clean kitty-litter. Dogs also need you to play with them more. Cats will sometimes just go off and sleep or play by themselves. So it depends on how much time you have and what your more comfortable with. Dogs and Cats are both friendly but sometimes it depends on the pet itself. Hope this helped!

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