
Is a ceramic heating element in a blow-drier toxic to birds?

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Okay. So I have a blow-drier and it says it has a "Ceramic Heating Element," right? I know that Teflon is highly toxic to birds, but I'm not sure about Ceramic coatings. Can anyone help? I really don't want to poison my little parrot friend.




  1. It should not harm the birds, I give my birds a bath and blow dry them regularly without problems.....

    But... I run a NEW dry on high for about 30 mins total before I use it around the birds.. Just to burn off anything on the heating elements in the dryer


    And NEVER run it on high when drying your birds, they are sentive to the heat..

  2. Should be fine.  

    I have a ceramic flat-iron, but just to be safe, I always do my hair in in a different room that my bird with a closed door between us.

  3. AS far as i know its the teflon (non stick coating substance called polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE) in pots and pans, waffle makers,blowdryers,curling irons,bread ovens,drip pans for the stove,irons,and ironing board covers,and space heaters,etc.

    Hope this helps, I wouldnt chance it,find out for sure first.

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