Please don't answer yes or no. If you are not willing to compromise please explain why (for either side).
I'm not a Christian but I do believe that life begins during some stage of fetus development. I have 1 son and another on the way. It is very hard to dispute that life exists while the baby is in the belly in the latter stages of pregnancy. They can feel pain and respond to all sorts of other stimuli. That said, in the very early stages of pregnancy it is somewhat difficult to call a fetus alive. It may have genetic makeup but that is about it.
I've been trying to underside both sides of this debate that has been twisting political elections. What I don't understand is why there can't be some compromise (other than the politicians and others in power don't want us to compromise I mean). From what I gather there are two main camps. Once camp is for the rights of women and the other the rights to life for the unborn. I have a few questions for each side.
Women's rights camp: If abortion were legal for the first 2-3 months of pregnancy would that not allow a woman to be able to have a choice? If it could be proved scientifically that life exists in later stages of pregnancy would the right to life supersede this right? Finally, would you be willing to accept a limitation on later term abortion (after 2-3 months or so) if it could be guaranteed that early term abortion would remain legal?
Christian camp: I could talk about the impact that no legal abortions would have on women, and I do assume that many of you care about women, especially since many of you are women. However, from what I gather that is not as important to you as the right to life (which does to me seem to trump all other rights but correct me if I'm wrong). So, really the only thing that is important here is when does life begin? I've been trying to find references in the Bible to life beginning at conception but I can't find anything. All of the Christian sites that talk about abortion use verses that cite how God knows each person before they are born, but that doesn't mean that the early term fetus was going to be born. They also point to a verse in the book of Psalm that talks about God having a role in our formation in the womb, but that doesn't mean necessarily at conception and could just as easily mean at a later point in pregnancy. Another passage in the book of exodus prescribes a penalty for killing an unborn child being the same as for killing an adult. However, this passage seems to be pointing to a more developed child, not the tiny marble sized fetus that exists in the begging of pregnancy. In those beginning stages the woman would not likely have been considered as being pregnant (if you have historical evidence that would show otherwise please do share). In short, I just don't see any Biblical basis for life beginning at conception and I would really like it if someone who does interpret this differently could please explain this to me.
Also, non-Christians who believe in life at conception please give your input too!