
Is a crate a good punishment for a dog/puppie?

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i was wondering if it was?

like say my dog peed or pooped inside should i put him in there.

Please help me i just got a puppie two days ago he is a beagle




  1. Absolutely not!  A crate should be a safe and comforting place for a dog, otherwise when you have to leave somewhere and need to crate him he will be terrified.  He is just a puppy and does not know any better.  The best way to house train a dog is to make sure you take them out after every meal, when they wake up from a nap, after they play, on average about every 2-3 hours.  When they go to the bathroom outside praise them like crazy.  Do not scold them when they go in the house, it will only make them scared/nervous, and it will only make them hide it in the house when they do go.  Lots out outside time and lots of praise and treats when they do go.  That's the best way.  

  2. just rub its nose in it and whip his *** then put him outside           he will soon learn

  3. No a crate is not a good punishment.  If your dog pees or p**p put him outside.  To train your puppy to do its business outside you have to have alot of patiense and conssitency.  Every time your puppy eats, drinks play and after sleeping bring your pup out.  Go outside with your pup and when she does her job praise her.  If you see your pup sniffing around in circles bring her out.  Don't put her in a crate for punishment that won't help at all will just make the dog hate the crate.

  4. No. The crate should be his "happy place". Crate training is the easiest way to housetrain. If you cannot watch him all the time, put him in the crate. Crate him at night and eventually that will become his own space. If he goes potty inside yell no no no and take him straight outside. But dont get dicouraged. A dogs bladder is the last this to develop. Its not finished until around 4-6 months. Email me if you have anymore questions.

  5. Crates should never be used as punishment. Try rewarding for when he does good and just being stern when he does bad.

  6. A crate should never be used for punishment.  And punishment is no way to housebreak a puppy.  Try using positive reinforcement.  Take your puppy out anytime it has eaten or drinks.  When it does go outside and relieves himself, praise him.  If he makes a mistake, ignore the mistake and be sure to clean the spot with an enzyme cleaner, such as Nature's Miracle.

  7. Don't use a crate for punishment. You want the crate to be a "happy place" for the dog, it's own area/den.

    If he pees of poops inside, catch him in the act and say "unt-uh!" or "no!". Then take him outside to finish. When he finishes outside, praise him and/or give him a treat. You need to show him what you want him to do; just punishing him he won't learn anything.


  8. you should never use a crate as punishment, you will only confuse the dog. if you punish your dog with the crate, and he uses the crate to sleep in, he will never know if your punishing him, or if it's time for bed. a crate is a home for a dog, his bedroom. If you want him to be in the crate when you go out, or when you go to bed, he is supposed to like it. if you put him in there after he peed in the house, and your mad at him, he won't enjoy going in the crate.

  9. putting your dog in a crate as punishment does not register as a punishment in your dogs mind. Our dogs don't think the same way we do.

    If your having problems getting your dog to go outside, one of the best ways to train them is to start by letting them out often throughout the day. And right before you let them out, grab their paw and scratch the door with it. Say "good boy/girl" then let them out. Eventually they will learn that when They scratch the door they get let out. and if they do have an accident inside, immediately respond and tell them "No" then put them outside. Do not rub their nose it it, that only makes it worse.

  10. No.

    You should never use a crate as a punishment.

    A crate should be a safe place for a dog....not a place to be forced to go after it's been bad.

    Use proper potty training techniques...and that doesn't include shoving it in a crate after it's been bad.

  11. No, crates should not be used a punishment. Proper crate training makes the crate a safe and secure place for your pup to go when they want to rest, you are not home etc. Training by punishment only makes your dog fear you and does not create a good bond between him and you. Try teaching by Positive Reinforcement, meaning that when they do something good you give them lots of praise and a treat.

    During potty training it is important to keep an eye on the pup at all times. If you cannot watch them then you put them in the crate but never as a punishment. If you see your dog try to go in the wrong location, tell then "NO" in a stern but not mean voice and pick them up immediately and take them to the correct location. If they then go there give them a treat and lots of praise. Continue this for as long as it takes. It is always easier to train the dog by catching them in the act and correcting the behavion. Remember accidents will happen but don't punish them after the fact, they will not understand why you are doing it.

    Patience & Persistence will help. Good Luck!

  12. if your dogs is useing the bathroom inside just put it outside everytime it does.after about a week it'll learn and start going to the baack door.

  13. A crate should NEVER be used as a punishment.  It's only been 2 days and he's still a puppy.  You have a long way of potty training to go.

  14. when i first  had to train my dog i would gently slap his nose and say NO!

    but the crate sones alittle to harsh when he does something real bad u can put him in there   but i wouldnt highly suggest it

  15. A crate is not a punishment it is used for dogs to sleep. When my dogs are bad, we put them in time out for 5 minutes. Now they are not bad. Also tell him no and try to teach him no. when he goes pee or p**p then give him at treat. every single time my dogs go outside we give them a treat so they know that it is good to go outside. they are 2 and 6 so they still get treats even when they are adults.

  16. A crate is NEVER to be used as a form of punishment for your dog.  If he pooped inside then it's your fault for not watching him closely enough or getting him out in time.  A crate should always be a "safe place" that your dog goes to "get away" from everyone, a place to sleep during the day, a place where he is safe while you are out of the house.  If you punish him in it he will hate to go in it, he will refuse and you will NEVER be able to crate him while you are gone because you've made him associate negative things with the crate.  It should always be a "positive" experience, a nice toy that he only gets in the crate, a special bone or a treat he only gets when in there, thus making it a place he WANTS to go not a place he hates.

    If your dog pooped inside, then adjust the time you are taking him out, make sure he goes out 15 - 30 minutes after each meal, first thing in the morning when he wakes up, immediately after playing and napping, and every two hours inbetween that.

    Praise him and reward him when he does go outside so he understands that's what you want, DO NOT punish him in any way shape or form if he has an accident in the house, you are going to have many before he is fully housebroken, up to 1 year of age.  Ignore if he goes in the house, just clean it up really well and make sure you're paying attention next time.

    Good luck

  17. he doesn't know that he did something wrong don't punish him

  18. No, crates are supposed to be happy places. If you use it to punish he will end up not liking the crate at all.  He will also have no problem using it as a restroom. Punishing brand new puppies is akin to punishing an infant human child it does not work. Babies want to please you so use positive reinforcement. If puppy squats on floor pick him up say a firm no and run him out the back door. Once outside tell him how good he is to be outside. There are so many helpful dog training sites please read them. Also remember a crate is a training tool, it is not a place to stick the dog when you need a break. Puppies are work, they become dogs who are work. They can be your best friend or your biggest headache. The training stages are where you make that decision.  

  19. tickle him lol

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