
Is a criminal record check part of the VISA process for China?

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Four years ago, I got a criminal record for possession of a drug. I was young and stupid, and learned from my mistake. I want to visit a friend in Shanghai China, but on the VISA application form, there is question: "Do you have any criminal record in China or any other country? Yes or No.

How should I answer? If I answer no, do they actually do a criminal record check?




  1. if you have a criminal record? do not lie, if they were to check it out? and of course they may? then it would show, you lied..........

    if they feel like checking? they can,

    i would NOT lie,you paid your dues? so it is over;

    China is very strict on drug charges.

  2. You could lie and say "no" hoping they did not check or find out otherwise, but if you were caught lying, you could be barred for life from entering China.

  3. Criminal Record Check is not part of the Chinese visa process. As long as you are not listed on the Interpol or in China you should write no in that column. If you write yes even though the criminal check is not part of their visa process they might do a criminal check and might put hindrances in the visa issuance. China has no jurisdiction of the criminal records of other countries other than its own. This is my advice to you.

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