
Is a dancer a good money making career?

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cause id like to be sure. i want to do something thats important to me with my life, but i also want security.




  1. if you are a pro in Vegas then YEA!!!

  2. if your talking about being a stripper,

    thats not doing something important in your life.

  3. only if you are on Broadway

  4. if you get naked while dancing

  5. if you're a professional then yes. if you are a teacher maybe ok-ish. if you are a c**p then no.



  7. It is certainly not a steady career at least compared to majors like accounting. I would stick to engineering but becoming famous certainly takes a lot financially and physically. It is a risky and well to say the least you need to suck up most of the time to make it to the top.

  8. like a stripper?? or a broadway type thing? cause i dont know about a broadway performer or anything but a stripper is definitly not.

  9. Depends on how well you are and who truly thinks your worth something.

    It is hard to get your foot in the door but if you do get your foot in the door you do fine.

  10. No way.  Not a secure job.  Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of competition.  

    Stripping pays well.

  11. If you were to open up your own studio or if you were to dance on Broadway then yes.

    If you're just a backup dancer ... I don't think so.

  12. depends if your a chorographer then you could be getting alot of money

    like working for some movies would be a great start.

    hope i helped

  13. well only if you are a stripper....or yeah like on broadway...

  14. no not really except if your on broadway

  15. Only if you are really good and you happen to be really successful but it is a lot of hard work and also a lot of luck.  

  16. no, dancing actually pays very very badly.

  17. maybe exotic if thats your cup of tea

  18. What kind of dancer? A stripper is not a good way to make money. And that is not a career anyway. It's something that women do (sometimes) just to get by for a while. Broadway type dancing is ok but not long term either. I don't think it pays all that well either.

  19. NO

    Most dancers need day jobs.

  20. yes! But it depends on what kind of dancer you want to be.

  21. exotic dancer: YES, i have known many girls(and guys)  who put themselves through college like this, but it also depends on where you work  (find a popular place)

    regular dancer: NO, unless you are in a very popular production... its hard for you to get a name for yourself in that field. but if you have the determination and talent, you will make it regardless.

  22. This is a field where there are far more dancers than jobs. Many more dancers. You need to plan to do something else while you try to make it. But be realistic.

  23. you need to stick with it. and believe you can do it. and if you practice and become good. you will

  24. yes but u will turn to drugs more than likely and get in with wrong crowd and then it will escalate from there

  25. if you love dancing then go for it, think of this, you will be doing what you ever decide on for the rest of your life. If you love dancing then you're getting paid for doing what you love, and if you love something just keep on doing it and everything will follow, like the money and the security, remember there is always a room at the top.  

  26. If you become famous for your dancing you are going to be paid good but if not then it's not worth it, just like  circus performers, they don't earn much unless they are a well known company.

  27. depends on what type of dancing.

    broad way and ballet and all that type..i dont believe so

    strip dancing...or stuff like that..yeah i guess MAYBE pretty good..but your life will turn BAD quick...going out in public and people will show up you never seen and know you and make all sorts of sexual comments..

    im sure your talkin about the first one.but i just had to input to make sure.

  28. you'll be hot but thats it. no, unless your a dance teacher

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