
Is a democracy the only way to be free?

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Is a democracy the only way to be free?




  1. anarchy is the only true way to be free :)

  2. It's the best way to have ordered liberty, if that's what you mean by free.

  3. Depends on your definition/flavor of what a Democracy is. The most accepted definition is as follows:

    Democracy - a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed.

    The United States of America is a constitutional federal republic

    No, democracy is not the only way to be free. It also depends of your definition of free - free from Debtor's Prison, free from Health Care worries, free from search & siezure, free to get married, free to speak. However it is probably the most effective to mechanism to STAY free, as there are elections. But then remember the recent Zimbabwe elections?

    On 18 April 1980, the country attained recognised independence and along with it a new name, Zimbabwe, new flag, and government led by Robert Mugabe of ZANU. Canaan Banana served as the first president with Mugabe as prime minister. In 1987, the government amended the constitution to provide for an executive president and abolished the office of prime minister. The constitutional changes went into effect on 1 January 1988, establishing Robert Mugabe as president

    Republic - a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.

    Democracy is hard & hands-on - requires a lot of effort ALL the time to keep it healthy.

  4. No, personal freedom usually is best experienced outside any political agenda.  Majority rule still poses limitations on your freedom, they are just hopefully limitations we can agree on.  

    For large states, where people agree that each person is a valuable as the next (Regardless of race, creed, etc) democracy seems to work well.  However outside those assumptions one group can use democracy to really oppress another.

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