
Is a faces of death video of a fathers head blowing off from blowing up a boat real?

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Is a faces of death video of a fathers head blowing off from blowing up a boat real?




  1. It was my father. it was sad

  2. I donno


  3. probably not but if your into the macabre just google taliban  beheading it don't get more gruesome than that and completely real ...

    I refuse to link it due to my own opinion's sorry

  4. i  am a graphic designer and answer to that video is

    no, all graphics, and video eiditing,people  usually do this to make points, so careful.

    like there will be video where guy get hit by 2 car and then he getup and start walking.... thats also video editing, its internet so you gotta judge :)

  5. The Faces of Death videos are actual deaths.Don't watch any more please for your own good.

  6. Faces of Death videos have been around for over 20 years... I am pretty sure they are real and I personally have refused to ever watch one... it is gross.  I think it's wrong.  I am sorry you watched that... it is very disturbing.... next time walk out of the room... anyone ever teases you about it just tell them you don't think it's a good idea to fill your consciousness with violence.. and if they tease you for that?  tell them they are dumb asses...

  7. man that's an old video, is fake. Also faces of death is not real, the creator admitted that.

    thats where the fuckup are from beheading to mutilation pretty not cool. It dosen't up mentally cuz am use to it now, after seeing so many fuckup my friend show me.

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