
Is a fancy rat a good pet?!?

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Hey, im 11yrs old and own a standerd gray chinchilla. I take care of my chinchilla all by myself including food, cleaning, playtime, etc. I am thinking about getting another pet and want to get a fancy rat. Here are some questions i have:

Are they harder to care for than a chinchilla?

Can i only have one if i spend alot of time with him/her?

Are males or females better?

Can they live in a 60 gallon aquarium?

Do they like to be cuddled?

thanx, Melyssa




  1. Rats make great pets!

    I think they are on about the same level of care as a chinchilla.

    However, you can't only get one, even if you do spend lots of time with him. They're social animals and need a companion to groom and play with them.

    Males & females both have their good qualities. Males tend to be lazier and will just hang out on your lap, while females are more curious and active and won't want to just sit on you for long.

    I would not put them in an aquarium if I could help it. They don't have good ventilation, and climbing is very important to rats. They love love love to climb, and they can't do that in aquariums.

    Yes! Well, depending on the rat, anyway. Some rats love cuddling, and others would rather explore! Males tend to be more cuddly than females.

  2. I'm 13 and I have two fancy rats sense your supposed to get them in pairs. They're really awesome pets. My grandma has a chinchilla too and I think fancy rats are just as easy to take care of as chinchillas. They have to have a lot of attention and your not suppoed to put them in an aquarium. I don't like female animals so I got two male rats. In order for them to actually hold still when you cuddle them you have to do it a lot so they'll get used to it. And instead of giving them those powder baths like you give chinchillas, I give my rats baths in the tub with kitten shampoo.

  3. Fancy rats are excellent pets,

    get it when it's young though.

    Rats are very social animals and it would be preferable to get it a friend. If you can't get two rats then pick a female rat as your pet (they are usaully better tempered)

    Make sure you handle (play with it) it everyday - or they will get anti social.

    rats also like to wrestle with your hands! so cute. they are excellent pets..... and they are easier to take care of then a chinchilla!

    60 gallon for one rat would be alright, make sure the rat has a hide though, and something to chew on! :)

  4. THEY MAKE OUTSTANDING PETS! i an 11 too! i have one rat but he seems depresed and right now im beggiing my perents for 2 more! so definetly get two it accualy makes it easier to take care of them! this is a great article! : even if you spend all day with them they have no one to play with at night when they are most active! and you can l**k them and groom them!(well you can but it would be wierd... lol)   i think they are esier to care for than a chinchilla! males are more cuddly while females love to play games! males are very calm and just sit on you forever but females love to explore you body rather that sit on your shoulder!aquariums are really bad for them because there is not enough ventilation while a cage can have fresh air go in and come out easily. here is a site for great cages to build and buy! :                                           like i said males love  to be cuddley and snuggly while the females will just crawl everywhere and explore!  get them tons of toys here is a site for toy ideas! :

    good luck! ♥♥

  5. rats are excellent pets.  they're pretty easy to take care of, too. cleaning the cage, socializing with them, and giving them food and water.  i hate two rats and they love to be together.  i think they would be sad without each other.  it's better to have more than one, but not necessary.  my friend only has one and he does well.  male rats tend to be sweeter all around.  i wouldn't put a rat in a tank because they love to climb and it's good exercise.  my rats love to get kisses on their bellies and love cuddles! they love to be inside of shirts. :)

    the basement should be fine as long as it's warm during the winter and cool during the summer.

  6. Great choice! Personnaly, rats are my favorite type of rodent pet. They are so gentle and intelligent.

    Rats are low maintenance pets, and are much easier to care for than a chinchilla.

    Rats generally do better in pairs, but if you are very sure you can give it all the attention it wants and needs, a single rat will do just fine.

    I would recommend a male because they are calmer and easier to tame. Female rats can be nippy and are quite hyper.

    A 60-gallon aquarium is more than perfect for rats, mine live in 20-gallon tanks and have lots of room to spare!

    Rats are probably the most cuddly species of "pocket pet", and thrive with attention from their owners!

    Good luck!

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