
Is a friend an idiot for going home when someone gets into a arguement with there brother?

by Guest65538  |  earlier

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Is a friend an idiot for going home when someone gets into a arguement with there brother?




  1. No, it doesn't make him an idiot at all. It's better just to leave than to get involved in an argument that may escalate into a physical fight. He's actually pretty smart to leave the situation when two people start arguing.

    If he walks off in a huff, maybe he's just being childish. But if he leaves quietly and without comment, it shows that he's mature enough to avoid what could be a serious situation.


  2. No. Leaving rather than staying while 2 people he cares about argue is the mature answer. Why pick sides if neither of them are considering his divided loyalties?

    Brother and friend should not have put him in that situation. He may well have respectfully left a family argument if he felt awkward being a witness to something personal, too.

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