
Is a funboard better than a long board and a short board in surfing?

by Guest56952  |  earlier

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Is a funboard better than a long board and a short board in surfing?




  1. It really depends on now good of a surfer you are and where you are surfing.  If you are a beginner, either a funboard or a longboard are going to enable you to paddle and get up on more waves then a shortboard.

    Assuming you get comfortable on either a longboard or funboard, you will likely progress to a shortboard or some type of hybrid board that is less of a pain to pack around.  One of the problems with surfing while a beginner is that you have to pack around a longer board to feel comfortable floating/standing on it.  Also, they are very difficult to manuever both while paddling and standing up.

    So, again, it really depends.  If you are riding small waves, grab a longboard and get after it.  Otherwise, grap the funboard and see if you enjoy that.  Use the one that you can catch the most waves on.  As you progress, you'll know what type of board you want to ride next.

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