
Is a ghost a full body transparency, or just a floating orb?

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Is a ghost a full body transparency, or just a floating orb?




  1. Can be either and more, really. The Orb is more common though. But of course, almost any orb "caught on camera" is fake. Dust, light, a hair, anything.

  2. The truth is we don't don't know, as paranormal study is not an exact science there is no definite answer to that. Like regular science its real all best guess work, cause scientist are finding out that what they thought was fact has either changed or isn't what they thought. so the answer to your question is the best we can ALL do is study do our research and maybe we can someday come up with a better answer until then lets just keep believing and investigating.

  3. It all depends on what stage ghost can manifest to...they need enough energy to fully manifest.

    There's many stages to mist, spiral rings, balls of light, dark shadows, transparent, orb, to full body apparition

  4. In view of the fact that nobody has proved the existence of ghosts, and it is very debatable that they in fact exist, nobody will be able to give you an accurate scientific answer to that ..


  5. They can be anything you imagine them to be.anyone saying orbs exposes themselves as rank amateurs.Any genuine paranormal investigator knows they are natural photographic imperfections.

  6. It can be anything, judging by the many different ideas people have about ghosts. People say they have seen solid ghosts, transparent ghosts, full ghosts, half ghosts, blobs, orbs, mysterious lights, etc.

  7. you know, I allways hoped that my loved ones would contact me but I hoped that they would not show up in the orb form. I wouldnt like that. But I do have an orb store for you. @ work we have a realtime security cam. My boss got a new video recorder, panned the bar & all of our customers to show us how awsome it works, and reaolized a lighted round ball hover & streak away from on e of the customers head. We watched the footage over & over until I remembered the secure cam- no orb on it. just the nu-cam. what do think that was? I wonder if it was a glare on the new cam lens, (just came out of box ) or something else. Boss is a believer in this but I am not so sure.

  8. Ghosts can take on any form, from apparitions, mists, orbs, lights......

  9. They say orbs are entities from another dimension.

  10. noone knows its what you beleive really

  11. It depends. I have friends who see them as they were when they were alive, but that's a specific gift. full body transparencies I'm told are hard to takes the spirit quite a lot of energy to do, hence the reason most of them disappear rather quickly. Orbs are the most common and easiest way for them to manifest on earth.

  12. Orbs are energy. some say they are the energy of ghost.  Ghost do not always look like full bodied people.  They can be a shadowy mass or white grey or black.  They can appear to be a whisp of smoke.

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