
Is a goldfish bite fatal?

by  |  earlier

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Cleaning out my pond and got bitten, not sure if it was the gold fish but want to be sure that I am not in any danger




  1. didnt even know they had teeth lol

  2. no

  3. Definitely fatal within hours.  You should have the limb amputated immediately.


  4. I don't think goldfish have any teeth, but, if you have been bitten by something, I would think about a tetanus jab

  5. Got bitten are definately not from goldfishes as they don't have teeth, you must be got bitten by something else or you were stung by something sharp in the pond.  

  6. your dead mate..


  7. never heard of people that have died from a goldfish bit (???)

  8. clean out the wound and keep an eye of it, if it gets infected or continues to swell and worsen go to the doctor.

    ...ive never heard of anyone dying from a goldfish

  9. well you cant be killed by a goldfish bit but it may have be some thing else. it it gets worse go and see the doc.

  10. i have never heard of a goldfish bitein my life and ive had fish for years you may have cut it on something in the pond or ther may be another animal in there i cant think of what  though but as long as you dont let it get infected im sure youll be fine and check out your pind and see what monster you have in there

  11. this made me laugh :)

  12. I have never heard of a goldfish even biting. I have stuck my finger in the fish tank and had them nibble, but they never had enough teeth to call it a bite. If you were bitten I would go to the doctor just in case something else had gotten in the pond that could be serious.

  13. lol gold fish dont have teeth, so dont worry, =] only tank fish that have sharp mouths and puffa fish, they have beaks =] proberly somin else in the pond, have a clear out and see! =]

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