
Is a guy g*y if he says ttly (talk to you later) over aim?

by  |  earlier

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ok some im talking to a guy over aim that i have know 4 a while and (like a week) and he has said ttly to me only a girl says that i find it weird when a guy says t.t.y.l or something like that

please dont be mean about your answer and and real answers like idk or something like that and please dont post likes to your question




  1. no not at all...its jus a shortcut....

  2. If a guy says ttyl it is SO not g*y.

  3. Well..idk if he iz g@y or not butt, it shouldnt mean nething.  Nd th@t's my answer.

    nah, just kiddin.  but no, it doesnt me hes g*y.  its just internet slang

  4. i hope not b/c my b/f does it all the time..and i can tell u ... he's not g*y! lol

  5. You're quite ignorant. Its just an abreviation. Being g*y is liking the same s*x, not using abbreviations. I hardly see how relaying a message that means ill talk to u later makes someone homosexual. Grow up

  6. TTYL is talk to u catcha that g*y?

  7. hah, no.

    Just... just no.

    You seriously can't be concerned about someone's sexual orientation because they used netspeak on the net? I know more guys than girls that use netspeak (because they're lazy, haha), and none of the ones that use netspeak are g*y. (To my knowledge!)

    If you use netspeak as a litmus test for gayness, you will wind up confused. Not that you can ever _really_ tell what someone over the internets' sexual preferences are. (Oh god, that sentence was terrible, but I haven't slept in many, many hours.)

  8. No, a guy is g*y if he has s**y with another man.

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