
Is a half an hour Walk and 2 hours in the pool every day good exersise?

by Guest58516  |  earlier

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cause i dont seem to be losing ANY weight?!

im still eating the same as always tho lol x

and how do i stop eatin so much chocolate?

choco holic here

needin help lol




  1. Thats more than enough.

    Well done, I wish I had that willpower! =]

      About the chocolate: try the cheat day method.

    Follow your diet religiously for most of the week, but allow yourself one day a week where you can have your chocolate, or pasta for dinner, or whatever you like really. But don't go too overboard, or your hard work will be all for nothing. And you can only have your cheat day if you have been good and not failed your diet for the rest of the week!

    Good luck! x

  2. fabulous amount of exercise.

    Want to lose weight, get rid of the chocolate. Find a luxurious subsitute... I like lychees, grapes, physalis, etc.  

  3. Yeah i wish i had the motivation to exercise as much!!! The chocolate is obviously the problem.. but making all your meals super low calorie would make room for chocolate calories!! or changing to having dark chocolate.. its harder to eat because of the cocoa content i think, and you need less to satisfy your craving.. Lindt is my fave!! Or drinking options hot chocolate :)

    Good luck!!! x

  4. Yes that is a brilliant exorcise, but you might not be eating the right foods though, so keep to your exorcise becuase that is brill but try more healthyer snacks they might seem to help. Glad to help :)

  5. Thats very good excercise!! x

    It takes awile to see a difference in yourself but in order to stop eating chocolate u must get rid of it in your house. And if you eat white bread change to brown.

    Less carbs in brown! x

    Good Luck

  6. my sister once said to me she had a friend who was dieting and when ever she have a craving for chocolate she'd smell the biscuit tin and it take away her cravings! so maybe u can go cold turkey as it will be better for you xx

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