
Is a hamster better then a farit!!!

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well me and my dad went to go to the pet store to get pet fishes and i saw hamter the were the cutest thing in the world i asked if i can get that insted of a ds he didnt say anything until my step mom saindwell farits are nice toso i wondered if farits better then hamsters!!!!




  1. there is nothing better than anything; it all depends like i have about 26 hamsters they are very cute, but they just like to sleep for the whole day. my fried have a ferret and it is like a totally destroyer, but it's very affectionate than a hamster. my mom prefer a ferret because hamsters are creepy, and a ferret is more elegant, but as long as i'm cleaning my hamsters she said i can keep them. your step mom maybe like ferret better because hamsters probably look creepy to her, i never know hamsters can be creepy XD.  

  2. Hamsters are WAYYY better than ferrits, belive me I've had both!!!!!

  3. Hamsters are pretty low maintenance and ferrets need more care and they also smell bad, and they are bigger, which means they need more food, bigger pet supplies a bigger cage, and lots of toys, that can be a lot of money. Just give hamsters a cage, some bedding a hiding place some wood chews some food and a wheel and you are good to go!

  4. Depends ,

    Ferrets need to be taken care of alot more, they are about the same as having a dog

    Hamster are not particularly great pets though, they dont like being handled. and sleep all day

    pet rats are great though if you are looking for a pet

  5. You know, I really want another ferret, but I have a hamster. I'm a hamster fan all the way. Hamsters LOVE being handled. They sleep on you, it's so sweet, and they LOVE to play! Hamsters are WAY WAY WAY better than ferrets, because:

    1. Hamster bites DON'T HURT. Ferret's HOLD ON TIGHT!!! ^o^

    2. Hamsters are more cuddly, ferrets are a bit TO active.

    3. Hamsters are cheaper. Ferrets are sometimes $100!

    4. Hamsters don't stink as much. Ferrets are STINKY!

    5. Hamsters live short lives (2-4 years). Ferrets are a decade or longer commitment!

    Hope this gave you a good idea, and good luck!

  6. Learn to spell little 7 year old kid and your not suppose to use yahoo answers your too young.

  7. uhh i can't understand what your saying.... but Hamsters are definitely better then ferrets. Hamsters smell less too and are smaller so you can fit a cage anywhere .


  8. ferrets are 100 times way better than hamsters.

    they are social animals and are cousins to skunks.

    and they can live up to 10 years!

    they are like taking care of a kitten and always act like a puppy no matter how old they get. so they are never meant to stay in a cage the whole day. even though they can sleep up to 20 hours a day.

    it just depend if your willing to spend time and $$$ on it.

    hamster really dont need lots of attention and dont need to spend alot on them.

    so its just up to you hope i helped good luck.

  9. Nabil S. : It's "you're"

  10. first id like to say, NEVER get a pet on impulse! you dont know how to take care of the poor thing. k well a ferret requires a lot more work, and they stink because of the musk in their fur. they also tend to get illnesses often which can be expensive. on the other hand they are playful and friendly and very very active. hamsters are the least odorous of all rodents, but they tend to like to sleep and be left alone. remember to do research before you get a pet.  

  11. Hamsters have smaller mouths so in case they bite you at first...

    I've heard of more success with hamsters

  12. Okay, farit = FERRET

       sorry, had to get that off my chest...    RATS!!!!!!!!!   Rats are sooooo  much better than either of these.  Rats accually have a personality, unlike other rodents.     Do some reaserch on rats and tell me they are not what you want...

  13. I prefer hamsters much much more but it's all your choice. Ferrets get quite routy and smelly, they're very active and hard to take care of. I had a hamster before, they are adorable, sweet, and active. Please, go for the hamster. You will be happy you did. They are fun to hold and watch. Great pets! I have a guinea pig now, that's the best pet possible. But I think you'll be happier with your hamster.

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