
Is a helmet nessecary for snowboarding?

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and what about goggles?




  1. If  you would like to have a brain injury don't use a helmet. Don't be stupid protect your brain and eyes. Many people die each year from snow related injuries.

  2. when i was 10 i remember i bought a helmet a few days before i went out snowboarding and when i went snowboarding it got wicked icy i ended up falling and tumbling down the end of the hill the end was all ice luckily i had a helmet on i was fine but if i didnt wear a helmet i don't think i would have been fine but it was at the end so i wasn't falling for long maybe like 1min or less than a minute. i still where a helmet when ever i go out snowboarding to some place on a mountain. im 18 now i suggest you wear a helmet to be safe and goggles too your eyes might get watery and if it's windy or something ya know lol

  3. Helmets are not needed if you are comfortabale with your abilites. (Although it would help if it's your first time.}  Goggles are helpful on large slopes.

  4. a helmet  will protect you

  5. Hlemets are nessecary... especially if you are a beginner. You will fall back a lot of times when you try and brake. I recommend googles because it will prevent your eyes from getting watery when you are going fast down the slopes.

  6. haha for you because you obously suckk @$$ if your askin.

  7. Goggle is a definite.

    Helmets are optional, but I just got myself one the other day! After getting your bell rung a couple of times, I think that it is a very nice thing to have. An extra layer of protection won't hurt.

    Just chose on that is comfy and look cool.

  8. Helmets are good if your new to the sport and tend to fall a lot. They also would be a good idea to wear when going down big slopes such as ones in the mountains. If you are snowboarding at a smaller place and are fairly comfortable with what you can do you might not need to wear one. But if anything happens helmets can save lives so its really your call.

  9. well if your going for your 1st time maybe, if your going down really big hills with ice ya, if your doing crazy tricks yea, if your going out for fun and not really doing stuff other then going down then up down then up no not really, and goggles yes you need them cuz if your going fast your eyes start to cry and then you cant see and then you fall

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