
Is a honey hair mask beneficial?

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I was going to try a honey hair mask but saw that I didn't have any of the ingredients the net says to mix with it. Would honey by itself be beneficial?

I'm trying to decide if it's worth going to the store (without a shower) to get yogurt, lemon juice and vitamin E capsules.




  1. Honey by itself is good enough in case you do not have the other ingredients ready.

    Yogurt, lemon juice and Vitamin E capsules would do wonders, tooo.

    You may leave the mixture on for a couple of hours and then shower to rinse it all out.

    Even simple yogurt would be good enough to leave your hair smooth and nourished.. You may do it twice a week.

  2. yes add yogurt, lemon juice and vitamin E capsules and also mayonisse

    and the mask will be very beneficial

    apply it for 1 hour  

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