
Is a huge energy revolution coming to US?

by Guest64645  |  earlier

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With oil hitting $135 , will the US go on alternatives fast enough? Are the alternatives science-fiction or they are real, but just require big investments?




  1. Honda has a fuel cell vehicle ready to go. There are cars running on hydrogen and various other setups springing up all over the US. The problem is, the government can't tax you if you can put a water hose in your car and get where you need to go. They are only going to move towards vehicle energy sources that they can tax ...i.e: ethanol. Otherwise, we would already have cars running on things like Honda's fuel cells.

    Also, i think windmills and solar panels will soon begin popping up any and everywhere they can because other energy sources will get to expensive and energy companies will begin to realize that tapping solar and wind energy will benefit them and their customers.

  2. The revolution is here, but it's been building quietly.

    Our government and some corporations have been supplementing funding at the university level, for instance.  Getting young minds who aren't tied down to older, more conventional ways of doing business, and who have a greater stake in the future of the planet, seems a smart way to really kick the revolution into high gear.

  3. It's real.  Car runs on compressed air and a car runs on water.

    "BBC News is reporting that a French company has developed a pollution-free car which runs on compressed air. India's Tata Motors has the car under production and it may be on sale in Europe and India by the end of the year.

    The air car, also known as the Mini-CAT or City Cat, can be refueled in minutes from an air compressor at specially equipped gas stations and can go 200 km on a 1.5 euro fill-up -- roughly 125 miles for $3. The top speed will be almost 70 mph and the cost of the vehicle as low as $7000.

    The car features a fibreglass body and a revolutionary electrical system and is completely computer-controlled. It is powered by the expansion of compressed air, using no combustion at all, and the exhaust is entirely clean and cool enough for use in the internal air conditioning system."


    "While his unique electrolysis process – working simply with water and electricity – was originally designed to work in welding factories as a replacement for acetylene torches, a whole new application has come to light from Denny Klein, who recently filed a patent on his solution. He has converted his 1994 Ford Escort to run either as a water-gas hybrid, or on water alone."

  4. Yes

        We will get a comprehensive energy plan in the next 2 to 5 years.

    Comprehensive Energy Plan To Lower Gasoline Prices

    This is how we will do it. And this why we will do it.

    This country has so much under used industrial capacity in our Auto Plants, Airplane Plants, Steel Plants and Electronics Plants to make America Energy Independent in 2 to 5 years. We can build enough windmills and solar power and wave generation energy plants to replace 90% of all of the electricity generated by COAL and NATURAL GAS.

    For under $400 Billion we could build 400,000 windmills.

    The Coal and Natural Gas saved by Green Replaceable Elecrrical Generation can now be used to make fuel for cars, trucks, busses, boats and airplanes, and or plastics, chemicals, fertilizers and pharmacuticals.

    We need a comprehensive plan that puts America back to work in endeavors that benefit 99% of America.

    Howard Scott Pearlman

  5. i reckon they are real

    just require a little bit of good old fashioned injinuity

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