
Is a lake water temp of 70 but an air temp of 83 and sunny too cold for water sports like tubing? Thanks!?

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Is a lake water temp of 70 but an air temp of 83 and sunny too cold for water sports like tubing? Thanks!?




  1. To answer your question. This is not too cold, but also not ideal. The below snippit was taken from wikianswers and I tend to agree.

    "I am sure very few would swim in 60 degree F temperature unless it was for a life or death situation.

    Most swimming clubs and organizations have set 78 degrees F as the temperature for pools.

    Tests indicate that children want 80 degrees or above, the 82 department has been agreed to by parents for their children. We older folks like the 85 to 88 degree range.

    I find that at 75 the grandchildren spend approximately 1 hour in the pool and at 85 they are in for the day. "

  2. are you kinding that perfect conditions. i would go out every day if i live in weather like that

  3. Nope!  Sounds perfect to me!  Don't forget lots of waterproof sunblock!

  4. Too cold? No way, that's perfect.

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