
Is a laptop or a desktop better.?

by  |  earlier

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I am thinking of getting a new computer and am stunned on which computer i should get.




  1. Well...there's no clear cut's like asking if a car is better than a truck? Essentially they both do the same thing, but each caters more towards a different need. if you need mobility, need to take your computer with you or a student, then a laptop is probably best. With a Desktop, you can usually get more powerful, faster, bigger capacity computers, but then you're limited to it being stuck on a desk. Laptops however nowadays are starting to rival desktops in the power/speed area. Best advice, get out there and look at them at computer stores and compare prices and needs and see which one ends up being the best for you. :)

  2. get a laptop first it it is portable can work anywhere you want third sit where you want desktop are ok but laptops are better

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