
Is a libria teen girl and a scorpio teen boy compatible?

by  |  earlier

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plaese explain!!!




  1. The cookie cutter response is no. Libra sun is cardinal,air, and masculine. Scorpio is Fixed,water, and feminine. In fact these signs do not even aspect each other.

    My advice? Go along with the realationship and see what happens. Their is alot more to astrology than comparing sun signs. The rest of the planets and their conditons, along with the aspects they make to others and where they are located in space. Also comparing relationships can only show where the people attract and where they repel. Completely oppisite people can sometimes attract.

    EDIT:actually the s*x planet is mars not venus. Venus shows the more superficial relationships (flings) we attracted too and mars our s*x drives. In the man the moon shows what woman he is secure with and wants to make a commitment with. In a womans chart the sun shows the same as the moon in the mans.

  2. Usually not, if you're talking romantically.  However, if you're talking romantically you should think of where Venus is located for both of you.  For example, my Venus is located in Scorpio - which means that my s*x is strong and pretty freakin' diverse and 'when i want it'.  What you do is this: find out where your Venus is, find out where his Venus is (you need bithdays here ex: 09/30/89 and 11/04/89).  You look at the dates/where they're located and compare the personality traits of those signs (I would use the personality traits of Scorpio) to each other to see if you are sexualy compatible.  You would also do the same for emotional  (that would be where your moon is located - mine happens to be in Aries, meaning i'm a psychopath).  That would override your sun sign (libra and virgo) incompatibility.  personality wise, libras are a little lofty an indecisive but they're smart and gentle about what they put forward.  They tend to play 'devil's advocate' in their mind and outwardly so it sounds like they don't take a stand against or for anything.  But i like libras!  Scorpios tend to be emotional an dhave darik senses of humor and they are a bit nasty and they have mood-swings.  But they're creative and open-minded, even if they don't admit it.

  3. i heart no but i am not sure a bout it good ?

  4. I don't know if a libra girl could put up with some scorpios quick defensive anger. I don't mean to be offensive but it has happened.  

  5. This is not the best match. Libra is far too good looking and easy going for the scorpio's jealous nature. the scorpio would likely end up spying on this social butterfly.

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