
Is a male or female cockatiel better?

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I might get a cockatiel but i'm not sure if I should get a male or female.




  1. If you want one that you want to train to talk then i would get a male.They are easyer to train to talk.

  2. a male is much more intelligent he learns to talk sing hum....very quickly. My male cockatiel doesnt bite me at all. I really suggest a male  there alot of fun

  3. A female, because they are more cuddly and friendly. They are plainer and less likely to talk, but they are also great friends.

  4. git a male they are so funny i got one he's JUST like this bird on youtube

  5. Generally, a male will vocalize more, although some females can also learn to talk and whistle (it's not an all-or-nothing thing). Males are generally more active, explorative, into everything (esp. younger males). Females are generally more content to sit with you and cuddle. Females can also get into an egg-laying cycle that can be hard to break. Males can be more aggressive as their hormones kick in @ around 6-9 mo., and more nippy. Of course, these are all generalizations; tiels all have their individual personalities, and what you might desire in a particular tiel may never come to be. We own a male cockatiel who currently never sits still for a minute. He doesn't bite, because I have kept up his training since he was weaned (get one that is still a baby if you want a tame one), but he sure is entertaining. If you would rather have a tiel that loves to be held, pet, and cuddled on your chest, consider a female. Whatever you do choose, however, be sure to spend lots of time with it to keep it socialized and happy. Give it lots of time out of its cage. And most importantly, get and keep its wings trimmed! Not only does it make your tiel more dependent on you (esp. males, who become aggressive when allowed to be airborne), but it is so much safer for them, who are navigating in a home vs. the open air. You never want to see a day where your cockatiel somehow escaped your home by flying away, as they almost never return--cockatiels have no homing mechanisms to speak of!!  Whichever s*x you choose, I am sure it will bring you so much love and enjoyment, as long as you are willing to put in the time, research, and love that owning a companion bird requires!  Wishing you the best!! =)

  6. My favorite is all Gods little airplanes (lol) but I have a male that was mistreated & even had 2 of his claws cut off. Now he is my little Sammy and I really get a kick out of him learning words & when I pull up in my car he lets me know it's social time. I like males but if your a person that like your soitude, you might consider a female.

  7. a male talks and whistles more

  8. Only a male will talk and whistle and only a female will tweet. Make sure the male you get has no grey on his face and has solid colored tail feathers. Only females will have stripes on their tail feathers.

  9. A male most definitely. Females are very territorial and are meaner. It is also alot harder to teach a female to talk and whistle, most don't do either. Since you are looking into adopting a cockatiel, make sure you do not get one from Petco or Petsmart. Petsmart gets their animals from a TERRIBLE place. Petco and Petsmart's birds are not hand-fed and get little attention. Meaning.. When getting a hand-fed bird, it takes at little as two weeks for it to adapt to you. But when getting a Petco/Petsmart bird, they are wild (not tamed) and it will wake 6-8 months for them to let you hold them.  

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