
Is a male "partner" the same thing as a boyfriend?

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A few days ago, I struck up a conversation with one of my male coworkers (I'm female) that led him to admit to me that he's a homosexual. He called his boyfriend his "partner."

My question is: in terms of being politically correct, would I always refer to his boyfriend as his partner; i.e. "what are you and your boyfriend doing this weekend?" or his partner, i.e. "what are you and your partner doing this weekend?"

Because he referred to his boyfriend as his "partner," should I refer to him the same way in every conversation that we have?




  1. "Partner" usually connotes a deeper relationship that has moved beyond dating into something more long term. If that is how your colleague refers to his significant other, it would be appropriate for you to do so, as well. That said, if you're more comfortable with "boyfriend" there is no rule against it, unless your colleague specifically requests you to use "partner."

  2. A "partner" in a homosexual relationship usually means that both people are having a monogamous, long term relationship, the sort of thing you would expect in a married straight couple. It is perfectly OK to refer to this persons partner as such is you have been made aware that this is the stage of their relationship.

  3. Yes, you should use whatever term he uses.

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