
Is a man a bad man if he leaves u while you are pregnant?

by Guest44864  |  earlier

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your werent cheating . u received a phone call from an ex at 6am . the ex was cursing u out b/c u told his baby momma that he was trying to get with u around the time u were dating...

he uses this as an excuse to leave but he was forgiven so many times before for c**p he should have been left over...

the day the baby comes home from the hospital. the mother had a c-section and needed extra help with the baby and instead of helping he goes to the club.

his child's mom took him back after the baby was 2 mos old but he flakes out again. doesnt see his son for any holidays sees the son once a week or 2 weeks..basically at his convienience

how do u feel about this man




  1. I would have to say I DON'T LIKE HIM AT ALL!!!! Kick him to the curb and move on! Ya can find someone that will love ya and the baby. Even though it won't be his he will luv it as. I have a boyfriend that came into my life at the boys age of 4 and 5 and he love them as his.

  2. he no good man. bawack obama good man.

  3. i think he is not a good father or a good spouse

    his suppose to support his family

  4. Too be really honest bad!

    Nevertheless, my gf kicked me out when our son was 1 month.... she did it right, I cheated on her.

    To make a long story short, I was very wrong and our son is in the meantime almost 4 years and I still see the boy regular (4 a 5 days a week) and I help my ex. with everything she needs (shopping, finance, gardening and baby-sit). I realized after she kicked me out that she was the woman of my life, but I can not turn back time.... than only do what I can do best, Be a dad for our child. If she ever would be interested again in me.... would be a bless, if not.... too bad. I will continue learn to pick-up my responsibility and pay for my mistake.

    But keep one thing in mind not every men is the same nor is every men capable of overseeing and omit his mistake.

  5. he's not a good'un get rid, get over, get on!!! and good luck to the mum and her baby x x

  6. He sounds like a real looser someone I wouldn't want to date or be around.  If a man is not capable of taking care of his kid there is something wrong.  If he doesn't want to be around the mother that's ok, but he should still take care of his kid and he is definitely not good dating material too much drama and dishonesty.

  7. sorry pos

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