
Is a manager of a mobile home park allowed to tell you what you can and can't have in your home?

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I live in a mobile home park. I own my house. Can the manager tell me what I am allowed and not allowed to have in my home? Myself and other residents are upset because they are trying to make a pet contract saying we can only have one pet, the pet has to be fixed( we have to show them proof) and the pet has to be under a certain weight. This is a new issue the manger has brought up. Is there somthing we can do about it? Allot of us don't want to give up our pets.




  1. Yes, they can control pets.    If the pets never leave the inside of your home it should not be an issue, but most dogs and cats do.

    There are no laws requiring a property owner to allow animals on their property, and your trailer is sitting on someone elses property.

    I bet some people are thrilled that the lawns may be able to be walked on.

    You are entitled to a 30 day notice of the new policy.   If your lease is yearly you have until the lease expires.

  2. If I understand correctly, you own the home but lease the land it is on.  The landlord is allowed to put requirements on the contract as they wish.  You are not required to agree to them.  If you do not agree to the new terms of the contract then you can always take the home to another lot that does not have the same restrictions.

    Good Luck!

  3. good news, bad news.

    if you have a written lease, ignore then and the pet addition.

    if you are on a month to month, find

    a new home cause the pet clause is

    quite legal after a 30 day notice.

  4. You can move. More times than not the weight limit comes from there libilty insurance co. If the park losses it's insurance all they could do is shut down.

    Wife works at 300 unit park for 17yrs.

  5. Yes, they have the right to limit pets.  You own the house, but you do NOT own the land on which it sits.  If you do not comply, you will find yourself being told to move YOUR house off of THEIR land.

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