
Is a moderate the answer?

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Noting that both sides have gone pretty extreme as of late, wouldn't a moderate be the solution. Someone with a conservative fiscal bias, but keeps social programs with accountability?

What ever happened to spending only what you have and providing only what you need? All this ridiculous debt and the frivolous social programs, are there no politicians that know how to be responsible?




  1. So, you think that John McCain will be the third Reagan term?

  2. I don't know if a moderate is the answer, but I can tell you with 100% confidence that an extremist is not.

    "What ever happened to spending only what you have and providing only what you need? All this ridiculous debt and the frivolous social programs, are there no politicians that know how to be responsible?"

    Do you have a car loan?  Or a mortgage?  Or student loans?  If you do, does that mean you went into debt?  Are you irresponsible for that?  I really dislike this notion that debt = irresponsibility, because while it can be true it isn't guaranteed to be so.  If you can repay a debt you owe, and you get more than what you have by incurring a debt, then doing so is one of the smartest things you can do.  People don't want to analyze the implications of the debt, they just see the dollar amount and declare our government incompetent.  It's irritating.

  3. What ever happened to spending only what you have...?

    Ronald Reagan was elected and doubled our national debt.  So did Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.

  4. Vote for Nader.  

  5. "What ever happened to spending only what you have and providing only what you need?"

    I think someone is a closet Libertarian??????

    But, I agree with you. Atop of what you said, its also important to keep in mind that once a person goes to far one way or the other, they are less open to compromise. Which is why the government is so messed up as it is, no one is willing to work with each other.

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