
Is a motor-sailing boat the best or worst compromise?

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I'm thinking of buying a motor-sailing boat as it seems the best compromise (you can still make good progress even if the wind dies down), but someone told me its the worst of both worlds, neither an efficient sailing boat, nor a decent motor boat. Anyone know about the advantages and disadvantages of motor-sailers please?




  1. Talk to more sales people and boat owners. Check out the sailboat shows. You will will get various opinions, but they will give you different points of view. Go on the boats and see how you like them. I like the cabins on the sailboats better than the motor sailers I have been on.

    I think it would depend on what you are planning to do with it and how large a boat. Will you be live aboard or weekending. Will you be on the ocean or ICW.

    I think one of the things about the motor sailer is being inside the cabin. The Island Packet SP Cruiser was interesting. I went on one that you could do most everything from the cockpit. I just didn't like the layout.

  2. I thought the whole point of a sailing boat was to use skill and ingenuity to get the best from the vessel, pitting yourself against the forces of nature.

    Sticking a motor on seem to be a bit of a cop-out.

  3. The disadvantage of a motor-sailor is that you can not easily sail as the main sail is almost invisible from the wheelhouse. As a motor boat it will have greater wind resistance so will use more fuel. As most yachts have an engine personally I would go for a proper sailing boat as most efficient as a sailor and will motor perfectly well. All you do is get wet when it rains or is rough.

  4. I see Sir Ahab puts a lot more stock into sailing that just getting from a to b.  you gotta get that whale too!

    Motor sailors are not a "sail or power" boat but both. while motoring the sails provide a lot of additional power, and therefore less required fuel.

    they did this for quite a long time before the invention of the diesel electric powerplant.

    the ADDED benfit if you're really cheap is to just sail along slowly when there is plenty of wind and the engine isnt needed.

    the downside is unlike power yachts with high freeboards or pilot houses, sailboats must have a weighted keel and a sleek underbody.  This means you have less interior space and probably few walls to hang those posters.

    Still for us old fahts a motorsailor is a bit like boiling your draftcard and we yearn for those chilly-nights saltwater down your back, wet azz all the time days of yesteryear.


  5. the big advantage is you don't need a really long set of oars. when you are out there in the deep blue and a storm is coming in and the wind is wrong you will now what i am talking about.

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