
Is a naturalistic doctor and homeopathic doctor the same thing? Thanks.?

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Is a naturalistic doctor and homeopathic doctor the same thing? Thanks.?




  1. No.

    Homeopathy treats with homeo medicines.

    But naturopath treats with air, water & earth.

    Mr sohanlal is doing great job in naturopathy in Indore MP.India. He treats with naturopathy system. i.e. hot compress, cold compress, massage, water baths, anema, Dieting, fasting & yoga.

    Mr Ramdev is also doing great service treating millions without charging a single penny. He uses only "air" ie "yoga".

    At present he is in USA teaching his system there.

    his link can be searched in my page somewhere in botton.

    http:// bharti. co .cc

    in India there r best homeo doctors also.

    Indian system of medicines "ayurved" is also like "naturopathy" as they use only natural medicines.

    If u want their address contact me.

  2. Homeopathy:

    A Homeopath uses homeopathic medicine as the primary treatment for illness.

    Homeopathy is a complete medicine – it can treat a wide variety of conditions from nosebleeds, skin conditions, stiff neck muscles, digestive problems and chronic pain to depression.

    Homeopathic medicine is different from herbal medicines or mineral supplements. Homeopathic medicines are made from very small quantities of plant, mineral or animal substances.

    Homeopathic medicines are non-toxic and safe for babies and during pregnancy. Full treatment homeopathy looks for one medicine to treat all of the patients’ problems. If you have headaches, constipation, chronic sinusitis, joint pain, depression and eczema, one homeopathic remedy will be prescribed to treat all of  these problems.  


    A Naturopath has some knowledge about a lot of natural therapies.  Many of the therapies that a naturopath has a general understanding of (e.g. Western Herbalism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Homeopathy) can also be studied exclusively as specialties for up to 4 years each. To become a specialist in each of the therapies listed above would require 15-20 years of training

    and an equal number of years in practical experience.  

    Naturopaths generally focus on Western herbalism or botanical medicine.

    Naturopathic medicine depends on the therapy the naturopath chooses – most often this includes herbal medicine, botanical medicine and supplements (vitamins,

    minerals, enzymes …)

    Herbal medicines, vitamins, minerals and enzymes are not always safe for children or during pregnancy.  Dosages and quantities need to be closely monitored by a professional.

    Western herbalism is similar to Western medicine – you get one or more medicines for each problem you have.  Western herbalism substitutes medicines listed above for pharmaceutical drugs.  For instance, if you have liver problems you may be given Milk Thistle, if you have joint pain you might get Glucosamine Sulfate, if you  have headaches you may get White Willow Bark.

  3. NO.. .and the title of "doctor" is bestowed on them when they "graduate" from their "schools". Neither have attended medical school. the same goes for chiropractors. That's why they can't perform surgery nor prescribe controlled medications. They have neither the training or education to do so.

  4. no not at all. " Homeopathic practitioners contend that an ill person can be treated using a substance that can produce, in a healthy person, symptoms similar to those of the illness" (wikipedia)

    They start sometimes even with a poisonous herb and dilute it to the point perhaps no a single molecule of the herb remains.

    For example, they take one drop of the herb or substance and 99 drops of water..shake it and then take one drop of this shake and take one drop of that..common doses are 6x (doing the shaking thing 6 times) and 30x..the higher the number, the greater the effect (that is the one with probably not a single molecule of herb.

    Similar things are done by those using flower essences and it is believed the essence of the herb/flower/substance is there..the energy of it if you will.

    There may be more to it but this is my understanding of it.  They also sometimes even use animal parts like the tusk or things other than herbs.  They claim it goes beyond the placebo effect.  Although I am a sceptic, I have used them occasionally and not totally saying it does not work as many swear by it and say it absolutely works but it is hard to see how.  It is pretty much water. I personally prefer to use real herbs in normal amounts. Homeopaths generally use only homepathetic remedies. They have many remedies they use. Generally these formulas are made into little pills and you take about 5 at a time.

    The naturalistic doctor is called a naturopath from the idea of nature cures.  They belief the body given the aid it needs to heal itself does..  They use a wide variety of treatment modalities from herbs, hydrotherapy (water things like hot and cold showers/compresses, enemas, and so forth), exercise, nutrients often in high doses, healthy foods, emotional healing techniques, cleansing like colon cleansing, massage, fasting, reflexology, fresh air, sunshine,. clean water, and so forth.  some may even use homeopathy but they also do a comprehensive programs using many of the above mentioned modalities. They do not generally use drugs or surgery but may recommend things like a chiropractic or massage therapy or counseling. They believe the body is designed to be self healing and work with the patient improving their lifestyle and doing things that aid the whole body holistically supplemented by things like herbal formulas for a specific health problem.

    Hope that helped :-)

  5. Yes, they are both long words for "quack."

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