
Is a naturopath a real doctor?

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Is a naturopath a real doctor?




  1. Yup.  4 years pre-med, 4 years medical school, 2-3 years residency just like an MD.  Studies are exactly the same for the first 4 years and diverge in, I believe, the 5th year, where an ND will specialize in natural methods of diagnosing, treating and healing disease.  They also spend many more class hours/much more time on vitamins, minerals, nutrition, chiropractic/osteopathic treatments and disease models, herbs, homeopathy, tissue salts and other natural ways to help people heal their own bodies.

  2. The training a naturopath receives is quite different from that of medical doctors.  The entire philosophy of illness is different.  Some of them do spend many years training in 'accredited' institutions, but the quality of that training can be disputed.  Many of them get their ND from online diploma mills.

    It is correct that they spend more time studying herbs and vitamins, but much of what they study is not evidence based, but "traditional knowledge"

    I'm not sure at what point they start to learn the really woo woo stuff such as "muscle testing" or "detoxifying", or when they learn their obsession with cleaning out the bowels.

    I find it unfortunate that the designation of doctor can be bestowed on so many people with completely different kinds of training.  It makes it confusing for the general public.

  3. A real Doctor is Someone with a PHD.

    Allopathic physician also known as MD's were granted this honorary title for historical reasons. In southern europe anyone with a BSc (hons) can use the title doctor.

    In most of the western world the honorary title is granted to other health care professionals.

    As a NZ registered Osteopath I also have the honorary title of Doctor but seldom use it unless I am signing a letter to another health carer or insurance company etc.

    My primary reason is I don't want Jo public under an impression that I can write presciptions for drugs and also to try and maintain a healthy distance from the allopathic profession.

    In short no, but neither are allopathic physicians although this title is now so associated with them we've forgotton it actually represent a higher level of learning that most honorary bearers have not achieved.

  4. NO !  You can purchase a degree in naturopathy on several "diploma mill" web sites.

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