
Is a necklace made out of elephant tusk illegal?

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A friend bought this necklace as gift from Bangladesh. She said it was illegal because it's made out of elephant tusk?




  1. You cant sell it. But as long as you havent bought it in the last 10 or so years then it is not illegal.

  2. If its not, it should be. Shame on you.

  3. If you have had it for about ten years then it should be fine. But if you bought it in about 2-3 years then it is.

  4. I hope so


  5. I have no idea what the laws in Bangladesh are.  However if she brought the necklace into the U.S.A., she broke the law.The only ivory you are allowed to bring into the U.S.A. is mamoth ivory.  You are also allowed to purchase (at great expense) carved walrus ivory from native Alasken Indians & Eskimo.  It will come with a certificate.

    Elephant ivory from other countries is completely illegal, unless the item is a documented (writen proof) antique.  Antiques are items which are 100 years or older.

    Why would she buy something made from elephant ivory?  Does she not understand the incredible harm she has done by purchasing an item like that?  Does she realize that an elephant is pregnant with it's calf for two entire years (vs. a human's 9 months).  Does she realize that a wild elephant will not become pregnant with it's first calf until it's nearly 15 years old?  Does she have any idea how long it takes this extremely slow breeding species to recover from poaching?

    Does she also realize that humans were probably killed somewhere along the way, to obtain the ivory?  Poaching is a bloody afair.  Humans are often murdered during the process.

    Your friend has no morals, no ethics, no compassion....she would not be a friend of mine, not even for a single second longer.  

    I'd also turn the necklace over to the proper athorities.  She completely deserves the fines and jail time.

    By the way, if she gave the necklace to you, it is illegal for you to own it, and you could be charged also, since you know it was obtained illegally.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  6. I really hope you would not wear that , please go to google and type in how to get ivory from an elephant ? maybe they can show you how an elephant was slaugherted needlesely. Elephants are not a renewable resource.

    I really hope you have enough class and morals not to wear that.

  7. Why on earth is your friend buying ivory....she does not sound very bright.  Does she realize she is contributing to the death of endangered elephants by making such purchases, and that she could have gone to jail for making such a purchase.  If she gave this gift to you..give it back...if she was my friend I'd tell her exactly what to DO with it!

  8. this doesn't make sense. you're friend bought the necklace and said it was illegal. then why did she buy it? you know they got that tusk from and elephant, a living animal. making fashion products from animals is what causes extinction

    the necklace is illegal (the person who made it and sold it) not owning it

  9. Ofcourse killing elephants for their body parts is a crime.If dis rule is not  implemented yet,it must b implemented now.

  10. Yes. If they see it while crossing the US border, it will be confiscated. There may also be a fine. Not sure about that, though.

  11. It is illegal ,but a lot are from bone instead of Ivory.

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