
Is a neurologist a doctor????? Thankyou:)?

by Guest57067  |  earlier

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Please Help...I'm sitting here, it's one in the morning and I can't go ahead with my project if I don't know;)

Thankyou, so much,

and whether you like it or not,

may God bless you





  1. I'm here, I'm here!

    Yes indeedy, we are doctors.  Neurologists are different from neurosurgeons, though--we are not surgeons at all and we don't operate.

    A standard neurologist finishes med school and does one year of medicine followed by three years of neurological training.  My specialty is a little different--I do two years of pediatrics and then three of neuro.  The first year of that is regular adult neuro and the second and third focus on pediatric issues.

    Neurologists can subspecialize even further by doing fellowships in things like epilepsy/EEG, neuromuscular disorders, stroke, sleep disorders...

  2. ...absolutely....  a Brain surgeon....and of the spinal cord.

  3. yes a neurologist is a doctor who specialized in matter of the nervous system and brain.

  4. Yes of course a neurologist is a doctor who is a specialist in the nervous system of the body and studies the brain, spine, muscles and nerves.

  5. Where's Marie?  She just finished med school and is starting her residency in neurology.

    Yes, neurologists are physicians.  They get their medical degree, and then spend years training in neurology.  They treat disorders of the nervous system (like strokes, seizures, nerve injuries, neuromuscular diseases) medically.  Neurosurgeons (a totally different animal) perform surgery on the brain, spinal cord and nerves.

  6. yes, a neurologist is a doctor whoses specialty is the nervous system

  7. If they have an MD, they are a medical doctor.  If they have a PhD, they may still refer to themselves as a neurologist, but are actually a research scientist who is not licensed to treat people with clinical conditions.  Usually the latter are called "neuroscientists" while "neurologist" is reserved for MDs but I've heard both terms used interchangeably.

  8. They are the sort of doctors other doctors are scared of.

  9. yes! neurologist is a doctor who specializes in the study of the nervous system and the brain.

  10. Yes , it is they are doctors who deals with diagnosis and treatment of nervous system disorders, including diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles.

    My daughter sees one once a month .... i hope that everything is ok with u!!

  11. Yes I guess????!

  12. yes he is a doctor that is specialized in treating neurological disorders meaning that he treats illnesses in the nervous system (brain tumors ...

  13. Yes a specialist.

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